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Personal History Lessons

Posted on Sun 30th Aug, 2020 @ 10:29pm by Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr & Khellian s'Siedhri MD

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Dr. s'Siedhri's Home
Timeline: MD 16, Later in the evening.

It had taken the doctor quite some time to cease his weeping in the arms of the mother he'd long thought was dead. He'd been certain that she'd died in the supernova, but to have her here with her arms around him was a balm to his soul he didn't know he needed. A wound inside him knitted, and he felt somewhat more whole. "Mother. I am astounded to see you, but you don't look so surprised to see me."

"No 'Lian. The ambassador found you here when she arrived. All the Romulans here are in the communal registry for civillians and you and your daughter are no exception to that. Tell me about her? I didn't even know I HAD a granddaughter. I would have been incensed with you had you had a baby without informing me. You tell me everything this instant young man."

The way Khellian reacted to his mother was telling, he dropped immediately into a seat and began the tale. "She's not mine biologically, as I have not yet found a suitable mate. You could say that I adopted her, but that wouldn't be precisely accurate. It was on my way home from rounding in Enost. I could hear her mother's struggle from the road, for she was having a difficult time of the birth. Her mothers husband found out that she wasn't his biologically, having been fathered by a Betazoid man...and was planning on making her life hell from day 1. It sickened me to listen to him speak, and I couldn't let that happen to such a perfect little girl. I swaddled her, placed her in my bag and fled. She didn't make a sound all the way to the River. I speculate that the mother knew what I was doing, for she wept as I left. She must have delayed her Mate for a time, for I a managed to evade any pursuit. I knew the Tal'Shiar would want my head, since he was a ranking officer, so I never stopped running. I am not sure how they found me, or how they knew I needed to escape but I met a Reunificationist, a Vulcan using the name Sanra. I heard rumors later that her actual name was T'San, but I was not really looking for information at that time. The Reunificationists got me off of Romulus in a cargo transport bound for Antares. She took her first steps upon that Cargo ship, as we stayed on it for many months. I." He paused to take a breath and figure out how to word this next bit." I worked very hard not to color her against her people but instead show her the beauty of Romulus as it was before the false Empress. We moved from safehouse to safehouse until my plea for asylum in the Federation was granted."

He shivered remembering the horrible experience he'd had on Daedra and how much they'd hated the 'Rommie traitor' there. His heart raced at the memory. Makila had managed with a grace he hadn't know she possessed, and that was when he found out her telempathy was quite advanced and she knew who meant her harm and who didn't.

"Still, I couldn't find a place that felt safe. It was not until I reached this Starbase, and found that settling down can be quite rewarding. I have built a home here, though I wasn't trying to do so. I should feel otherwise, given that you were able to find me so easily Ambassador...however I surprisingly do not have the wish to flee."

There was no hope for redemption without first admitting ones sins, and this was the proper place and time. He was surprised to find his throat painfully dry, and he took a long sip of the tea cooling before him. He inclined his head to the Ambassador who nodded regally back to him.

"Where is the girl? I understand she lives next door."

"She is doing the evening shift at the Dawnstar Clinic." She will close the doors at a later hour to return for some food, unless she has a patient. I don't know if she has plans for the evening, but she is an adult. Much as that pains me to admit, she does not clear her plans with me at this period in her life."

"Hrm. I suppose after 21 years, I can wait a little longer." She poked him in the shoulder "And just why have you not secured yourself a mate my son? I am astounded to find in 21 years that you've never had more than one child. Surely there are females here that suit you physically enough to do your duty to your clan."

Khellian laughed at the impertinent demanding tone of the elderly woman, and found himself not being offended in the same way he would if anyone else had made that statement. "Mother, I would be happy to have more children. I however view fathering children with someone needs more than a physical attraction, and would prefer something more long term."


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Comments (1)

By Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Mon 31st Aug, 2020 @ 5:47pm

This is really precious. It's wonderful to see him tell the story in his own words from his heart.