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Super Soldier Part 1 Dr Damon Tavor

Posted on Mon 20th Apr, 2020 @ 3:40am by Ensign Elaine Kaleh & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Fri 24th Apr, 2020 @ 4:31am

1,051 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Central City, Antares IV
Timeline: About two years ago

Damon had always had the interest of the Federation in mind when he conducted his experiments, but as time went on he began to get more and more unethical with the way he conducted the experiments, he just wasn't ever caught. He was always able to doctor up the way he found the test results. His latest research project was nearly two decades behind the situation and that was creating the Soldier that surpassed the Jem'Hadar that would not be motivated by the need for drugs but would think for themselves and be completely honorable. They would have self-preservation but would accomplish by finding other ways if need be. Damon began by using Starfleet Officers that had distinguished careers, that had been honorable and loyal, but killed in the line of duty and was able to be placed in stasis until he could acquire them.

Starfleet frowned on the way Damon acquired his subjects and they began to investigate him when a number of Starfleet Officers had been killed by strange and unexplained accidents. Damon disappeared in a deadly accident and was presumed to have been killed only his body was never recovered.

After he staged his accidental death he took transport to Antares IV. Damon arrived on Antares IV a couple of weeks after his death. He was to meet Dobbs' associate in a bar in Central City known as the Black Hole. All he knew about the contact was that she had short blonde hair and green eyes. They also said she was pretty and just a few years younger than him. Damon entered the establishment and ordered a drink at the bar. He ordered a Warp Core Breach, a rather large drink that two could share and that was signal for his contact to find him.

She went by Elaine now, but that was so far from her birth name that she almost didn't remember what it was. This was a human moniker that she'd liked, and it fit well with the Romulan surname she'd chosen for this mission. Kaleh. Romulan's would recognize it, and not think twice about it as so many didn't study the ancient forms that they would want to.

Damon sat in his chair, unimpressed by the small bar that he was to meet someone in. The unsavory characters that seemed to loiter around all seem to watch him at one point or another making Damon nervous. One mean looking individual that smelled like he hadn't taken a shower in a month got in Damon's face. "I don't like the way you look." He shoved Damon off of his seat before punching him in the face. Damon was knocked down by the force of the blow.

Damon rubbed his face as he began to get up, but he was grabbed roughly by the character that had hit him and was hoisted to his feet. Damon caught the reflection of a blade in the man's hand, but before he could use it Damon used his type one phaser that was set to kill.

Kaleh moved without thinking, away from the flicker of metal she'd seen in his hand and the phaser that sizzled through the air. An expletive escaped her lips as she watched the man disappear into thin air. "Delightful invention, phasers. No cleanup required."

Damon turned to face the woman who had spoken, "It wasn't my fault, he forced me to do it."

A Breen approached Damon and shook his fist at him while saying something that Damon couldn't understand then stormed off. No doubt the Breen was a bounty hunter and Damon denied him of his bounty.

Damon watched as the Breen left, "I certainly hope that he doesn't hold a grudge."

"He won't. He's the wrong caste to truly care. He just has to make a scene." The white-blond smirked at his seeming concern and continued gesturing to his drink with her straw she asked, "You going to drink all of that?"

Then it dawned on Damon that this woman must be his contact. He shook his head, "Please, join me."

Settling into the seat beside him she tapped her fingers in an idle pattern on the table. It wasn't an idle pattern at all, but a location code that if he met her there they could discuss things in more detail than they could in a crowded bar. To the untrained ear, it would sound like simply fingernails on a table. Her perfect manicure glittered as she took up a clean straw to sip from the fancy drink.

It took Damon a moment to pick up on the unique rhythm that she tapped with her fingernails. He had to memorize the secret code before he left on his trek that brought him here. He gave a quick wink to let her know that he understood. "This is a very good drink, wouldn't you agree?"

"Indeed. I didn't think I would like a fruit that looks like a pineapple, all points and prickles....But they're surprisingly tasty. Normally when something looks like that on my homeworld its not worth the trouble of cracking. " Her eyes glimmered in amusement at him, continuing to tap idly. Now a random pattern so the suspicion would be off of her and him.

Damon wasn't sure what would happen next, was he expected to make small talk or would she simply leave so they could meet up later. He took a long sip from his drink, "So, where are you from?" He decided to make small talk for now, just in case someone was watching them.

"The universe was my playground love, however I hail originally from Turkana IV. " Her tiny smirk and the flick of her eyes to the left towards the trader at the end of the bar. "If you want to hear more, my time might be better spent in an establishment where the food isn't slop. What do you say handsome?"

Damon smiled, "I am rather hungry and I would enjoy hearing more about you." Damon slid off of his bar stool and slid some extra credits to the bartender before offering his arm to the beautiful woman. "Shall we?"

Sliding her arm into his she snuggled up to him giving a vapid little giggle as she did so. "Lead the way"


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 30th May, 2020 @ 7:19pm

Turkana IV! I wonder if Ildaron knows her? Interesting place to meet, that's for sure. Now to see what they are up to!