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Most Wanted

Posted on Fri 14th Feb, 2020 @ 5:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Mon 17th Feb, 2020 @ 9:50pm

928 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Security Office
Timeline: MD 2 0815


On mornings when Dallas worked, he would have a small meeting to go over the blotter report for the previous night so that they could discuss the goings-on, disseminate information and possibly even devise a plan for dealing with open cases. Dallas sat at his desk awaiting the others. He had brought with him for his troops, coffee, donuts, orange juice, and milk.

The next to arrive was Daniel Hardgrove. Daniel was a Lieutenant JG who had transferred over from the USS Thunderbolt and was so excited to be on a Starbase, especially one of this size. He smiled as he walked in the door and greeted Dallas then took one of the donuts. "Lieutenant...." Daniel said as he took his seat.

Ensign Pete Riley was the next to arrive. He nodded to the others and took his seat. He'd been up too late last night playing poker and was paying for it now. He hoped the briefing would be brief so he could get out of here and drown himself in something to wake him up.

Zoe Albright walked into the room and smiled cheerfully. "Good morning, everyone," she said, then took a seat beside Pete. "You look beat. I told you not to join that game. They never let up before dawn."

"How do you know?" Pete grumbled.

"My quarters used to be next door. They kept me awake so often I went to the Quartermaster for a room change. Besides, I hear they cheat. I heard it was some sort of rite of passge. The first game, they take you for everything you have and keep you up all night."

Pete sat up straighter. "I'll bust them for this."

"You can't. You don't have proof. I don't have proof, just the word of a friend who went out with one of them. It won't hold up and you know it."

Pete slumped back in his seat. "You're probably right."

"Okay, it looks like everyone is here that's coming." Dallas began then added, "I took the liberty of bringing some food if anyone is hungry and we an get down to business." Dallas looked at his PADD, "First off is the Andorian killer, forensics has not found anything since the Andorian didn't use and current tech. The motive is also unclear. We suspect that he picked someone at random. You can review the surveillance footage on your PADD."

Dallas paused for a moment and took a big sip of orange juice "It is extremely dangerous and we must use extreme caution with him. I want him stunned first and then we will deal with him.

"Second on our list is a missing person. Some migrants families are heading for Bejor and one of their daughters is missing. The family has given us a sample of her life signs, and the computer knows that she left the station yesterday, but doesn't know how she was taken off. Her information has been downloaded to your PADDs. Any questions so far?" Dallas asked.

"Yes. How do they know she's off the station? When and where was she last seen?" Pete asked.

"The computer knows she was off the station at 0945 hours. She told her family that she was going to go walking on the promenade around 0900 hours." Dallas replied before adding, "We asked shop owners if they had seen her, but it's a big and busy place. We tried the surveillance cameras, but found no facial recognition yet. The techs are still working on it."

"Does the computer know where she was when she disappeared at 0945?" Pete asked.

Dallas shook his head at the question, "Negative, no known location that we know of, just the time. If the techs can find her on the cameras then it might give us an idea, but it's a long shot."

"So, we're looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack," Pete said again. "Sir."

"Sir, I can use a facial recognition program to look for her across all cameras on the station between 0900 and 1100," Zoe said. "It'll take some time with the number of cameras, even with the computer, but it might give us something."

“I have techs working on that right now, but they are having problems locating her face. Her parents did say that she was wearing a dark hoodie. Help the techs if you think you can,” Dallas said.

"I'm no specialist, but I'll be happy to give them a hand," Zoe said. "Maybe I'll catch something they missed. Fresh eyes can sometimes do that."

Dallas nodded, "I'm sure they will appreciate the help." He paused for a moment then asked, "Anyone have anything else?"

Zoe shook her head, indicating she had nothing.

Pete hesitated, thinking, then shook his head. He had nothing, either.

Dallas stood, “Okay, if there is nothing else then let’s get out there and please, please be careful if you observe this killer - dismissed.” Dallas watched as everyone began to stand.

Pete just wanted to get out of the meeting and back to sitting at a desk, answering the comms.

Zoe nodded to the chief as she walked out. She turned and headed off to help the techies with recognition, if she could.

Hargrove nodded and walked out with everyone else, leaving Dallas to his thoughts.

Dallas watched everyone leave, wondering when and where the killer would strike again. Who would be the one who would have to confront him? Dallas would need help trying to find this Andorian. Perhaps he was evil enough for someone in particular to pick up on.


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Comments (1)

By on Mon 17th Feb, 2020 @ 9:51pm

Thank you both for picking up the ball! Jenny and I both think you are off to a great start! I like your NPCs. =)