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Water Works

Posted on Sun 9th Feb, 2020 @ 3:33am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

977 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deck 1554
Timeline: MD:3

Kiara wasn't very particular about swimwear. She wanted something that would not be too drab and fit her properly. She found a nice one-piece swimsuit in a deep violet with a pair matching slacks and blouse. A pair of black deck shoes completed the outfit. She changed into her new clothes and arranged for the rest of her things to be packaged and sent to her quarters later. Now ready, she went to find Dallas.

Dallas had found his attire quickly. He purchased loosely fitting swimming trunks that went nearly down to his knees that were navy blue. He also picked up a tank top in a lighter shade of blue and a light short-sleeve button-up shirt in some type of floral print that he wore unbuttoned. For his feet, he wore a pair of blue cotton deck shoes that he found was very comfortable. He had the gift shop send his other clothes back to his quarters. Right before he walked out of the gift shop he eyed a pair of sunglasses that he liked. He noticed another pair that he thought would look amazing on Kiara and added both pairs to his purchase.

Outside of the shop, he had waited for Kiara for only a couple of minutes as he sat on a nearby bench. He watched others as they walked about shopping, eating and doing various outdoor activities that had to do with water. This was particularly a busy area at this time of day and Dallas thought it was fascinating.

Kiara walked up to him and smiled. "Hi, stranger. Come around here often?"

"Nah...." Dallas shook his head as he smiled, "I usually have to work all the time and don't get out much. What about you?"

"You know what they say about all work and no play," she teased. "Me? As you can no doubt tell, my social activity is Most is work-related." But it was nice spending time with Dallas.

"I do know what they say about all work and no play, it makes Dallas grumpy." Dallas grinned, "I must say though, you look beautiful."

"Is that because you're grumpy?" she teased. "I think I'm Happy. Or Dopey. Take your pick."

Dallas chuckled as he shook his head, "No, I'm not grumpy yet, just ready to have some fun and it looks like you are ready to."

"Oh, I'm definitely ready," she said, grinning. "Where to first?"

Dallas looked around for a second before spotting the kayaks near the water's edge, "We go and rent us some kayaks and then have some fun. How does that sound?"

"It sounds great." It had been a while since Kiara was in a kayak and she looked forward to it.

A few moments later the couple had their kayaks and were in the water. "Okay, where would you like to go?" Dallas asked.

"Out," she joked.. "Since I've never been here before, I don't have a preference. We could go out on the water and see what looks interesting."

"Okay, let's get moving then." Dallas said as he began to slowly paddle out onto the river alternating sides with the two paddle blade oar. He looked over his shoulder at Kiara, "Do it just like I am, it's simple."

She'd been kayaking before, but didn't tell him. She found her rhythm and came up to his side. "Easy as pi."

Dallas gave Kiara a sideways glance, "You sure do learn fast. Why don't we just put around this side of the river and when we get ready, we'll come back up the other side." Dallas enjoyed being outdoors and he enjoyed being outdoors with Kiara.

"That works for me." Kiara smiled and struck out in the direction Dallas indicated. She was enjoying paddling the kayak and spending time on the water. She glanced over at Dallas and smiled, then focused on keeping the kayak on course.

The trip down the river was uneventful but enjoyable. Dallas looked around several times during the trip down with a feeling that he was being watched.

They kept pace with each other, letting the current do much of the work. Finally they turned around and headed back. Kiara had to concentrate more as going upstream, even if the current was slow, took more effort. She became aware that Dallas seemed preoccupied. His surface thoughts were focused on his surroundings and she wondered if something was amiss.

Dallas caught a look from Kiara and smiled thoughtfully. "I really enjoy this and wish I could do it a lot more often. I just need to make more time." Dallas really did enjoy the Kayaking and enjoyed being with Kiara. "I hope that you like it also."

"I do enjoy this. Quite a bit." She smiled back. "The company doesn't hurt, either."

"I agree, the company is not too shabby. Do you feel like some lunch yet?" Dallas asked.

"Sure. Let's take the kayaks back and find a place to eat," she agreed, changing course to head back to the dock.

Dallas followed suit when he heard his stomach growl. He had no idea that he was hungry until now.

The water was calm enough for them to easily complete their trip back and turn in the kayaks. Kiara was definitely going to come back here as she'd enjoyed being on the water. Fortunately, neither of them had overturned their kayaks, which was also nice. "Where shall we go?" she asked.

“I saw a Taco stand just up the river walk that looked pretty good, if you like Mexican food that is...” Dallas said as he put his Kayak back on its rack and walk over next to Kiara.

"A taco salad would be perfect. Let's see if they offer them." She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm as they turned and headed up the walk.


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Comments (1)

By on Mon 17th Feb, 2020 @ 9:54pm

A wonderfully relaxing way to break tension. I'm so happy to have someone use resources on Deck 1554! Thanks!