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Hay Is For Horses

Posted on Wed 27th Nov, 2019 @ 10:23am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

667 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deck 1551 Penny's Horse Ranch and Riding Stables
Timeline: MD 2 1215 Hours

Dallas and kiara stepped off the turbolift and onto the horse ranch. Light smells of horses caressed Dallas' nose and he nearly sneezed. In the distance was a large farmhouse, several barns, and several stables. "It looks like we are here." Dallas said.

The temperature was cool with light gusts of fall wind. The trees had changed color to various colors of red, golden yellow and even some evergreens, but leaves had been falling and with the light chill in the air one could be sure without a doubt that fall had come to Penny’s Horse Ranch and Riding Stables.

Kiara tried to see as much of the place as she could. "What a wonderful place this is." Fall was her favorite time of year, too. She never thought she'd find it on the starbase.

Dallas nodded, "And we thought the rock climbing was really cool. Let's go get us some horses to ride, shall we?" Dallas was faking it well, but he was very afraid of horses. When he was little he rode horses a lot, but one time when he went riding alone on his family ranch, he was bucked off his horse high in the mountains and was snake bit. He spent a cold night by himself and poisoned to boot and nearly died because of it and hadn't been on a horse since.

Kiara picked up on the strong emotions and thoughts Dallas was projecting. She turned to him. "We can go somewhere else. I don't mind."

Dallas seriously considered the idea, but for some reason he wanted to stay. "What about facing your fears and all that?"

"There's facing your fears, and there's being foolish," she said. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Dallas shook his head, "If it's something that you want to do, then I'm all for it. I just might not like it as much as you do, but you're worth it."

She ran a finger down his cheek in a caress. "There are a lot of things I like to do. None are worth upsetting you."

Dallas smiled nervously, "Technically, I'm not upset, just nervous, but I will do what you want to do."

No, he didn't. But she wasn't going to go there. "I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. So, what shall we do instead of riding horses? This station has plenty to offer."

Dallas smiled, "Why don't we find the nearest replicator and dress for some type of water sports. Maybe the kayak or paddle boats? Something relaxing." Dallas suggested.

Kiara smiled. "Yes. As long as I don't lose my favorite boots. It took me a while to break them in properly." Now, if she could find a change of clothes and have the ones she was wearing sent to her room, that would be perfect, but they weren't near the promenade or her quarters.

"We could go shopping for our outfits and then hit the water if you want." Dallas suggested. He wasn't sure of where to purchase clothes other than the Promenade.

"We could. Do you know if any of the places we could get a boat of some sort have replicators?" She didn't mean to be a nuisance. "I'm sure they have lockers of some sort we could store our gear in if we could replicate something."

"I would assume that there just might be some clothing and souvenir shops where we can pick up some swimsuits or appropriate clothing." Dallas smiled, "If they don't, maybe we should open up one."

"You know, I think you're right." She should have thought of that herself, but for whatever reason, she'd been a little distracted. "And they'd have a place to deliver purchases as well."

"We can go to deck 1554, The River Walk. They should have everything we need on that deck, the shops, and the river. We should be able to do paddle boats or kayaks." Dallas said.

"Sounds perfect." She smiled. "Let's go."


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 5th Dec, 2019 @ 12:34am

From horses to paddle boats in one leap. LOL Sounds like the romance is past the budding stage on at least one person's part! Play on, I say.