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The Science of Diplomacy

Posted on Wed 22nd Jan, 2020 @ 5:49am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

919 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Science

Kiara had always been interested in science. She was curious about the science department on the station. So, when she had some free time, she headed to science to meet the chief and say hello.

She found the other woman in Astrometrics. "Hi," Kiara said, poking her head in. "Do you have a few minutes? Nothing important, I just wanted to say hello."

Jasmine hadn't been working on anything in particular. She'd been checking on a few geological surveys of the area to compare with the data they'd received from Nakameka when someone peeked in through the door. Oscar sat up, ears perked, and tail wagging.

"Oh, hello. Please come in." Jasmine smiled. "Don't mind Oscar, he's friendly enough."

"Hello, Oscar," Kiara said, addressing the dog first. She held out her hand, palm own, so he could sniff it. "I'm a friend." She smiled at Jasmine. "I'm Kiara Lena, the new head of the Diplomatic Detachment."

The dog's tail was wagging and Jasmine smiled. "Jasmine Kellar, resident squint, scientist, geek, whatever they're calling us these days." Jasmine offered her hand. "Can I help you with anything? I know you said it was just a hello, but we don't get many visitors down here unless they have questions about something."

"I'm the new head of the diplomatic department on the station," Kiara said, shaking her hand. "I thought I'd say hi since I don't have much chance to work with many of the department heads."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Jasmine smiled. "I don't see too many of the department heads either, except during briefings. I haven't had the option of too many away missions but we've had some adventures right here on the station."

"I've read some of them," Kiara said. "I'm interested in history and culture, so I've paid attention to some of what you've been doing."

"Well, if we ever go to an archeological site, I'll be sure to invite you along." Jasmine smiled. "I'm about to head on a mission to the large gas giant off our port side. We'll be gone a couple of days. But after that, I'd be happy to go over any of the reports you'd be interested in."

"I'd like that," Kiara said. "I like to be of help where I can."

"I've done extensive work on mapping out the system and the new Planet we've been investigating. Would you be interested in seeing that?" She asked as she walked to a console. She had been proud of the work she and Anthony had put in building the holographic images of the sector. She tapped a few keys on the console and soon the room went black, much like a holo suite. After tapping a few more commands, the system popped up around them. The three dimensional images were all around them and scaled to fit the room. "There's Namaka." She pointed to the large swirling ball of blue and violet.

"How lovely," Kiara said, looking at the holomap. "What have you found so far?"

"Well, we're going out to the planet in a day or two to make some studies, but it's exciting to be able to explore a planet we've not studied before." Jasmine walked through the hologram. "This is Satan's Nebula. It was mapped about two years ago. It's just your basic reflective nebula, but I believe it's a stellar nursery and in a century or so, the center mass will build up enough gravity to clump the particles together and form a new star." Jasmine smiled. "I don't want to bore you." She shrugged. "Sometimes, I get carried away."

"It's not boring," Kiara assured her. "We may not be here to see the end result, but it'll be wonderful to chart the progress." She raised an eyebrow. "Who named the nebula?"

"I'm actually not sure." Jasmine smiled. "It was located about five years before I arrived here on the station, but it has something to do with shuttle disappearances, much like the ships on Ancient Earth in the Devil's Triangle." She tweeked her fingers and the Devil's Nebula grew larger. "It turned out there were some unsavory characters hiding in the gas clouds in this area. They were caught, but the Nebula was named." She smiled.

"That's a great story," Kiara said. "Not as good as if they'd disappeared because of gasses in the nebula, but still a great story." She cocked an eyebrow. "Have you thought of compiling the stories for people to read?"

"I'm not that creative." She smiled. "And I don't know when I'd have the time with Lani and all."

"One day, then," Kiara said. "The story will still be there when you have the time."

Jasmine laughed. "Well, maybe. I like to do the research, but as I said before, I'm not much of a writer."

"As you wish." Grace smiled. "Well, I have taken up enough of your time. I should let you get back to your duties."

"Well, I'm glad you came." Jasmine smiled. "I enjoyed the distraction and the conversation. Please feel free to come back any time. It was wonderful to meet you."

"I definitely will." Grace enjoyed the conversation, too. She would definitely make the time to come back and talk. She bowed. "Until then, I wish you good day."

"Have a wonderful day." Jasmine said as she watched the woman leave before turning back to her work. "Well that was a very nice distraction. Don't you think so, Oscar?" The dog wagged his tail happily.


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