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Offering an Ear

Posted on Sat 14th Sep, 2019 @ 2:25pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

565 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Commodore's Ready Room
Timeline: MD-4, 1305 hours

"Hello, Mr. Mejia," Paul said to the Warrant Officer who served as Commodore Suzuki's assistant. "Is Commodore Suzuki available? Her calendar was clear when I looked, but that was five minutes ago."

The man in question smiled in response, but it didn't reach his eyes. "She's in," he responded, though it wasn't exactly an answer to the question the counselor had asked. He touched a control under his desk and the office door opened.

In the office, Suzuki turned away from the view wall. It was currently set to look out over the repair cradle where Samurai lay, her repairs nearly complete. "Doctor Graves. With what may I assist you, this afternoon?"

Her very greeting was an indication of how little they knew each other, Paul thought. Drake had avoided him as a means of avoiding his own inner demons, but they had still spoken to each other like two people who could go out for an occasional beer or coffee together. Commodore Suzuki was much more formal, much more elegant and nuanced. He had seen little of her even during his duty shifts in Ops because her schedule was extremely busy.

"Thank you for indulging an impromptu visit, Commodore," Paul said. "I can request a scheduled meeting if you would prefer that. I wanted to discuss ways I could become better acquainted with the new Besm residents. They impressed me with their wisdom and depth of character on their arrival this morning. It may be that I will have little chance to serve them directly, but should I ever be in a position to, I would like to do it well and with a far better understanding of them than it was possible to obtain through reading and watching documentary videos."

Suzuki sighed. "Any other day, Doctor, I would be happy to accommodate your request. I have the highest regard for all the Besm I have met, and would be happy to sing their praises. Today? Well, today, I would rather you went and inquired of the young ladies of the restaurant on deck 666."

Paul nodded. "Understood, Ma'am. I'll talk to them. This morning must have been quite rough for you."

Suzuki nodded, turning back to the view wall. "They came aboard straight out of the Academy. Ten fresh-faced, eager young ensigns... well, nine and a second lieutenant. They were full of enthusiasm and mischief, and it seemed like you couldn't go anywhere onboard without running into one of them. Or more...." She paused and then snorted a laugh. "Do you know, they would have running water balloon fights in the secondary hull? I remember one occasion when they pulled in almost two hundred crew."

Paul grinned. "That sounds like pretty much the entire ship!"

Suzuki nodded. "Just less than half of the crew, and most of the dependents. All of the children, I am certain." She sighed. "They were just children."

"I can well imagine that their loss is like a great, gaping hole in the family that was your crew," Paul said. "It must have been devastating not just to you, but to everyone who knew them. I am sorry your time on Samurai had to end like that. If there is ever any way I can help you with those feelings or any other troubles, you have only to ask."

Suzuki nodded. She couldn't find anything else to say.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 21st Sep, 2019 @ 12:18am

And even though it's fiction, and even though we write it, and even though it's been quite a while, those Winter sisters were such a part of our crew, I can still get emotional about the loss of several of them.