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Orchids & Jazz & Memories, Part 1

Posted on Sun 25th Aug, 2019 @ 11:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 9, 1150

As Kiara entered Orchids & Jazz with Dallas, she found the sounds and smells captivating. They reminded her of places she'd seen only in ancient earth movies.

Reon greeted the couple, as they entered, looking closely at the man. "Welcome to Orchids & Jazz, Lieutenant Briggs. So nice to have you back with us, and accompanied by such a lovely companion." He bowed slightly in the woman's direction. "Will you be joining us for a meal, or for drinks only?"

"I'm on duty, and we are very hungry, so just a meal for me, thank you." Dallas replied.

"Then I'll have Jenna show you to a table on the main floor, not right in front of the dance area," Velasquez said, nodding to the server who waited for the table number. "Number 19, Jenna."

With a smile at the couple, who didn't seem much like a couple, Jenna said, "If you'll follow me, I'll show you to your table." They walked through leafy ferns and orchids which guarded the privacy of customers at each table, toward the right side of the restaurant where Jenna stopped next to black leather seating. The table and booth were curved, with the electronic menu against the back of the booth.

"Take your time looking through the menu. Slide the screens from bottom to top to begin. Our lunch menu is still available, or you can order from the dinner menu, if you prefer. Today's lunch special is filet of white chicken with roasted garlic sweet potato, a wedge salad, and black bread. Would you care to order something to drink, or an appetizer?"

Kiara glanced at Dallas, then smiled at the waitress. "For myself, I'll have a lemonade and your lunch special, please."

Dallas looked at the menu then the waitress, "I'd like an iced tea with lemon and to eat, I'd like the ham and cheese with fries, extra ketchup." Dallas smiled, "Thank you."

Jenna nodded at them, sending the order back to the kitchen from her PADD, and turned away, saying, "I'll have your drinks right up."

"So tell me, lieutenant, what brings you to Starbase 109?" Kiara asked when the waitress left.

"I waited a while to see if I felt right on Typhoon after my wife died and decided that I need a change other than another starship. So I decided to request a transfer to starbase 109. I wanted to get close to Klingon and Romulan space, and here I am." Dallas didn't mention that he wanted SB 109 because it was close to Romulan space and he thought they might be behind his wife's death. He was secretly investigating her death, because he thought there was some type of cover-up.

"I imagine it was difficult to stay there without her." He was holding something back, but she was not willing to ask, or to pry.

"It was incredibly difficult to stay on Typhoon for as long as I did, everything reminded me of her." Dallas paused for a moment, "That's why I needed the change."

She put her hand over his. "Again, I'm sorry," she said. "Here there is much to keep you busy. I hope the change helps." She pulled her hand back, not wanting to feel uncomfortable. "Do you want to talk about her, or about more general topics?"

Dallas leaned forward, "Actually, I would like to hear more about you."

"Me?" she laughed at the unexpectedness of the request. "Very well. I was born and raised in Kiev, on Earth. Originally, I wanted to be a teacher, like my mother. So, I studied history and literature. However, I took a class on diplomacy and visited Paris."

She smiled, "I was captivated. That led to more classes. I attained degrees in History and Literature and spent summers in Paris at UFP headquarters. But shortly before I graduated, one of my brothers joined Starfleet. He told me about his travels, the worlds he visited."

Her expression grew distant as she remembered some of those early messages. "And so I, too, joined Starfleet. I am both a science officer and a diplomat." Her eyes sparkled as she turned them back to him. "I find that my understanding of history and literature helps me with diplomacy. And I get to see first-hand the cultures I only read about in school. And now, I am here, where my opportunities are boundless."

Noting that the couple was in the midst of a discussion, Jenna quietly placed their drinks and moved away again. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help overhearing part of what the woman said. An scientist and a diplomat, she thought. Interesting combination!

In her office, finishing a few details of her fresh food order from the hydroponics lab, Jade noted the time and realized the lunch crowd was settling in as the Cymbidiums began to play their daily gig. She listened for a moment, smiling when she instantly recognized the upbeat tune, Sweet Georgia Brown. She hit send on the order, thumb locked her computer, and then headed out into the daily crowd to make her rounds.

After a few moments, she stopped by the table where Lt. Briggs sat with a companion. "Hello, Lieutenant. It's so nice to see you again." Turning to the woman, she said, "I'm Jade Lantz, owner of the club. I hope you'll enjoy your meal. Since I don't recognize you, I believe this is your first visit, which entitles both of you," her glance took in Briggs again, "to the dessert of your choice, at no charge. I highly recommend Marin's special today. She's experimenting with new choices for the dinner menu, and today's Raspberry Chocolate Truffle cake is a winner in my book."

Dallas smiled, "Thank you, Miss Lantz, that's very kind of you." He only met Miss Lantz the one time but found something interesting about her. He wasn't sure what it was.

Kiara smiled. "That is most kind of you. I arrived today and the lieutenant was kind enough to bring me here. I'm Kiara Lena. It's a pleasure to meet you."

“She’s the new Chief Diplomatic Officer,” Dallas said.

"We can certainly use diplomacy on the base," Jade agreed, with a smile. "A double welcome for you. Come see me when you're feeling settled. There may be ways we can be of service to you. You, too, Lieutenant. I understand you're taking over Isabella Perry's job as Chief Security Officer. She had a good working relationship with the civilian sector, and we'd be pleased if that continued. For now, please relax and enjoy the music and your meal." Smiling, she left them to greet someone a few feet away at another table.

Kiara smiled at Jade. She would definitely return here.

The discussion will resume shortly.


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