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New Friends and Old Enemies

Posted on Mon 26th Aug, 2019 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Krell House of Mer'uk

1,301 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Klingon Diplomatic Compound, Deck 636
Timeline: MD 11, 0945

Kiara had a great deal of respect for Klingons and their honor, but she wasn't quite sure what to expect from the Klingon Ambassador who had newly arrived on the station--especially after the attack. The best way to find out, however, was to meet the man and get his measure. She prepared a basket of fruit and a bottle of Blood wine and went to meet him.

She walked into the Klingon Consulate and bowed. "Greetings. I would like to speak with Ambassador Krell."

The Klingon male leaned back in his chair. "You may speak with me. I am Makt'Sho, Ambassador Krell's secretary. What is it you want with the Ambassador?" He was polite, for a Klingon, but unyielding.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena, the new head of the diplomatic detachment. I bring a gift, if the ambassador has a few moments." She tipped the basket so the secretary could see it. "I also wish to speak with him as we will be working together."

The door behind the Klingon opened and a large Klingon, dressed in a Klingon Warrior's uniform and an Ambassador's robe, stood in the door. "I could use some blood wine and some fresh Gagh!" His voice was deep and commanding, but he didn't seem angry.

"I have the blood wine, but I'm fresh out of gagh," Kiara said, taking quick note of the ambassadorial robe. "I take it you are Ambassador Krell?"

"I am he," Krell said. "Who might you be Commander?" he asked as he noted her rank.

"Kiara Lena, the new head of the diplomatic detachment on the starbase," she said, bowing politely to the Klingon. She looked him over, noting his dress and his overall demeanor. A warrior first, she decided. It was pretty obvious.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander Lena." He bowed slightly and extended his hand to her.

She took his hand. "The pleasure is mine, Ambassador," she said.

Krell released her and smiled, "Did you say that you have some blood wine?"

She smiled and indicated the basket. "Purchased on the promenade, so it's not replicated," she said.

The ambassador smiled, "I have a couple of glasses in my office, or were you thinking of somewhere else? I'm not opposed."

"Wherever you are most comfortable," she said.

Krell nodded and then smiled back at the commander, "Very well, my office is closer, so why don't we start there and see what happens." He had already decided that he liked her and normally he was a good judge of character. "Please, come this way." He indicated the door that he had just come through.

Kiara inclined her head. She wondered what he thought might happen, but she liked the gregarious Klingon, so walked into his office.

Krell's office was in the traditional colors of red and black, a large Klingon symbol was on a tapestry that adorned one wall. On another wall, directly behind his desk, was a bat'leth and several mek'leths. Paintings and pictures of Qo'noS were on the other walls.

"Please, Commander, have a seat." He indicated the seat in from of his desk. He sat down and pulled out two glasses from a desk drawer, putting them on the desk, one in front of him and one in front of his guest.

She took a moment to admire the art and weapons before sitting down across from the Klingon. "If you don't mind my asking, I heard you had some trouble on your way here."

Krell laughed loudly, “It was no trouble, it was glorious, though unexpected.” He took the bottle of blood wine and twisted off the top before pouring the glass for his guest and then his glass. He held his up to her. “To new friends and old enemies.”

She raised her glass, "Q'plah!" and took a drink.

Krell took a big drink from his own glass nearly emptying it. “So, Commander, What brings you to Starbase 109?”

"Opportunity," she replied. "To work here as the head of the station's diplomatic detachment. And to work with an impressive group of ambassadors." She raised her glass to him and took another drink.

“It sounds like a good choice, Commander. Who knows what doors may open for you here.” Krell held his glass up in a sign of cheers.

"Or you," she said. She raised her glass toward him again. "To new opportunities for both of us."

The ambassador laughed loudly, "No my dear Commander, I was ordered here by a member of the high council who is a sworn enemy of my house. He said that my family seat is safe, but I think by the time I try to go back, the family seat will be in the hands of my enemy." Krell paused for a moment. "Probably the one that arranged for my warm welcome to Starbase 109."

"The welcome I heard about?" she asked. "So, send you away to be an ambassador, then make sure you never arrive. It was well-planned. A good thing the attack was unsuccessful." Kiara smiled. "I think you have an opportunity to bring honor to your house here. Starbase 109 could use a strong Klingon presence."

Krell nodded, "However, when and if I ever return, my family seat will be lost. Probably at this very minute, they assume that I'm dead and have already taken my place on the council. If not, it will be lost soon. My rival will see to it."

"Then I shall send a formal message thanking them for honoring Starbase 109 with your presence," Kiara said.

He chuckled, "Thank you for doing that, but when they know that I'm still alive, they will already know that I am here. Their plan will go forward, no matter...." Krell filled his glass with more blood wine then looked at his companion, "Are you okay with the blood wine, it is very strong. I could replicate you a Klingon Martini, it's not nearly as strong as the blood wine."

"I'm fine with a glass or two," Kiara assured him. "What sort of diplomat would I be if I couldn't handle a little blood wine? As for the other, if they don't know you're alive by now, they soon will, whether or not I send a message."

"I'm not worried about that, Commander. The news will arrive and they will know that I am alive. They will send another assassin to kill me, and they will fail again. They cannot afford to have me alive; while I still breathe, I have a chance to retake my seat." the Klingon explained.

Kiara nodded. "I wish you good fortune."

Krell nodded, "Thank you for the sentiment, Commander, but it will not be an easy task, nor will it be soon completed." He thought for a moment, "How do the humans call it? An uphill battle?"

"Yes," Kiara said. "It is an uphill battle. But there is also another saying that applies. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. I have a feeling, Ambassador, that you will win this particular battle. In time."

"Well," Regos said, flipping the listening device to mute. "That was an interesting meeting. Thank you, Makt'Sho. Words are all very well, but if the man isn't going to take the danger seriously, we have to do it for him. I'll do a workup on this diplomat and see what I can find out. You tackle the ambassador, scold him a bit for being too flirtatious with ... ah, danger. I'll hit him later on the same topic. He will learn not to trust anyone, even a pretty face."

The diplomat-turned-bodyguard shook her head in frustration. "You'd think nearly dying in the attack on approach to the station would have convinced him, but it seems to have made him even more confident in his immunity to fate!"


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