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Meeting the Romulan Ambassador

Posted on Fri 27th Sep, 2019 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr

1,183 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair

Kiara had a fondness for Romulus having visited the planet once. She was curious to meet the Ambassador and find out what the Romulans thought of the starbase and its people. So she prepared a basket with exotic cheese and crackers and a bottle of Romulan Ale and went to the consulate to say hello.

When she walked in she bowed. "May I speak with Ambassador t'Saeihr?"

Her request met with suspicious eyes and glances in between men. Hands were on sidearms that they clearly wanted to draw but didn't have reason. Verelan emerged from the back room and her appearance ratcheted up the tension in the room. She addressed the room, with a deadly sweetness "If she really meant harm to me she wouldn't be standing there with a bottle of ale now would she? Stand down gentlemen."

Kiara was amused by the reaction of the guards, and impressed by the ambassador. To be honest, if she meant harm to the ambassador, she just might be standing there with a bottle of Romulan ale--although it would definitely be a one-way trip. "Jolan tru," she said to the woman. "I am Kiara Lena."

"Verelan t'Saeihr. Senator, Ambassador, both are equally adequate titles. Please." she gestured to the chair "What can I do for the Chief of the Diplomats, and what pray is in the basket? The odor is intriguing."

Kiara gave her a half-bow as a respectful greeting. "This is a gift for you," she said, handing the basket to the woman before sitting down. "I come informally to meet you. Most of our future encounters will be official and I prefer to start off getting an idea of who I will be working with. I am sure you would like the same."

Don't insult the woman straight off. "That could prove beneficial, or detrimental depending on how well we take to each other. " Verelans eyes gleamed with amusement, and took on a lively shine as she sized up this diplomat.

Kiara's mouth quirked up in an irrepressible smile for just a moment. "Indeed. It's preferable to try and start off on a good footing. You never know who may turn out to be an ally." She met the woman's eyes frankly, taking her measure. "So, do I pass muster?"

Her smile warmed her face for a moment as she popped the cork out of the Romulan Ale and poured them both a small glass. "I am of course expected to say no, and huff and bluster like a proper politician. I suppose that it is good that I've never been a proper politician- senator though I was."

Kiara laughed. "Not being a proper politician is something in your favor." Kiara chuckled and took a sip of her drink. "How do you like the Starbase so far?"

"I have not seen much of it. It is my understanding that there are Romulans that make their homes here and have for quite some time?" her tone clearly indicated a question, but she was fascinated with the idea that there could be independent Romulans here on the station.

"That is my understanding," Kiara replied. "I have yet to meet any of them, but I've read reports. The station hosts beings from a hundred different worlds."

"I must be sure to make the time to explore and meet some of them. " that comment was quieter more to herself than the diplomat in front of her. "Do you have any suggestions as to where to begin?"

"Not yet." Kiara smiled. "I'm still figuring that out myself."

"Trials and tribulations of a new assignment? It is pleasing to know I am not alone in that." Verelan's eyes warmed and her face transformed into true beauty with the genuine smile that hovered on her full lips.

"I wouldn't go that far, but every assignment has its growing pains. As this station is so large, there are more complications," the diplomat admitted. An impish smile crossed her face. "Not least of which is there's a greater chance of getting lost here."

Laughing in response, Verelan took a long sip of her ale. The tart yet sweet bite of it rolled over her tongue, and warmed her as she swallowed. "This is a high quality vintage, how did you come across it?"

"I got lucky. I asked the right questions of the right people, and I made a trade." She chuckled. "I once worked with a Ferengi."

"I don't doubt for a moment that you did" Verelan raised her glass to the diplomat across from her before studying the blue liquid in her glass. This woman was smart and personable- it would be easy for her to finagle information from people even without the application of ale. Her opinion of Commander Lena increased several notches.

Kiara chuckled. "Being able to negotiate has many uses." She took a sip of the ale. It had been a fortuitous trade. She'd definitely go back there again to do business. "What do you hope to get out of your time on the starbase?"

"Personally, I have a vested interest in the Romulans here already. Our race has been scattered to the four winds, and it would be pleasing to reunite what families we are able to. Family is of the utmost importance to a Romulan, and to many other cultures I have found. Many Romulans simply don't know of the number of civilians that our troops rescued before the supernova. Assumed dead, they probably have already brought offerings to the elements but I'd imagine the not knowing is harder than the deaths. Professionally, well....we'll leave that for the diplomatic arena." A smile curved her full lips upward, and she inclined her head to the other female.

"Well said. I agree that family is important. It ties the generations together." She took another sip of her ale and smiled. "You're right. This is not a political meeting, so we'll leave that for another time. Is there anything that I or the station can do for you?"

"I should like to meet people in...unofficial capacities. I find it helpful to know what motivates a person before I meet them across the table. Could you help me to arrange such a thing?"

"I could. It would depend on who you want to meet and where, but I will be happy to do what I can," Kiara said. There were still rules she had to follow, but on the surface, the request should be easy enough to accommodate.

A soft chime sounded from the office behind the sitting room they were in and Verelan sighed gently, her face touched with a gentle regret. "I fear I must take my leave. The republic must have its missives precisely on time, else they send a warship instead of a diplomat's vessel. We Romulans are still not the most trusting of those offering Peace as a solution."

Kiara stood. "It's fine. I didn't have an appointment. Thank you for your time. It was a most enjoyable conversation." She bowed to the Romulan and headed back to her office.


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