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Meeting the Diplomats

Posted on Wed 25th Sep, 2019 @ 2:19am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander T'Len Mori & Lieutenant Nalani Emmiad & Maiek s'Ethien
Edited on on Wed 25th Sep, 2019 @ 2:25am

1,010 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Diplomatic Conference Room
Timeline: MD11 0800 hours

The first thing Kiara wanted to do was meet with the other diplomats and learn what they had to say about the starbase and their role on it. So she called a meting for 0800 and promised breakfast.

She decided that for this first meeting she would be the one to arrange for food. She found a restaurant willing to hire out an omelette chef and selected a number of pastries, fruits, bagels, and brads from a dozen countries. Anything left over would be taken to the school for the children to enjoy.

She dressed casually for her, wearing a tea-length skirt and blouse in sapphire blue with a long black vest and arrived early to make sure all the arrangements were to her satisfaction.

"Ooh nibbles. Thanks ma'am" one of the younger diplomatic officers called out as she entered and surveyed the vast array of food in front of her.

"You're welcome. Help yourself," Kiara said, smiling. It was not a reaction she'd anticipated, but it made her like the young diplomat.

Not needing to be told twice, the curvaceous woman wandered up and down the table looking it over carefully before making her choices. Scooping up a bit of bacon sausage and avocado, she mixed them with the eggs to have an omelette made. Drizzling it with cheese once finished she grinned and got herself a small bowl of pineapple.

Maiek entered the room, just in time to hear her 'welcome' to the human looking female. He was dressed in slate grey trousers, a matching shirt with black borders and a metallic blue torque that held his collar together. The same metallic blue wrapped around his trim waist. "Am I also welcome? I am Maiek s'Ethien, attache to the Romulan Ambassador."

"Of course," Kiara said. "Come, eat. I am Kiara Lena."

Nailani had made herself a plate and was drizzling syrup on her sausage links when the Romulan approached and looked at the food. Nalani moved so he might reach the table.

"Most of this I do not recognize." Maiek admitted flushing green. Already you look like a feanna. Aunt Verelan was foolish to place you here.

"The food is from a variety of worlds," Kiara said, coming up to point out a few of the different items. "It is my hope you will find something to your liking."

Wearing her traditional vulcan robes of qualification, T'len entered the gathering.

Kiara walked up to her and bowed. "Welcome."

T'len returned the bow and gave a polite smile, raising one hand briefly in the traditional Vulcan greeting, "Peace and Long Life, Lieutenant Commander."

Kiara returned the greeting. "Live long, and prosper, commander. Please, help yourself to some food."

Nalani smiled, making her almond eyes crinkle at the corners. She took a fork and carefully nibbled her selections as she watched the Romulan Attache gather up his courage and place a selection of foods on his plate in small bite sized servings. Trial and Error. Clever. This is going to be so much fun to observe.

When everyone had arrived and help themselves to food, Kiara addressed them. "Good morning. As most of you know, I am Kiara Lena, the new chief diplomat. As the newest member of this department, I rely on you to help me get up to speed with how you handle the day-to-day business. So to begin, tell me what you believe the purpose and strengths of this department are."

Preferring to observe first T'len waited as she held a cup of tea, considering her thoughts carefully.

"If no one else will jump in...I will." Nalani said softly as she passed her dark eyes over each person in the room. Stroking her fingers through her straight dark hair, she worried one end into a curl then released it. "We've been a quiet unit before the Besm and all the ambassadors suddenly arrived. We used to get the occasional conference but nothing extraordinary that required our best work. I personally would do much more on the linguistic side of my duties than the diplomatic ones. "

"What is your reason for more linguistics except with the Besm?" Kiara asked.

"No, I meant that before the Besm arrived we didn't have much in the way of work here, unless there was a conference. So since I am also a linguist I was there more than I was here."

"Ah. I understand. I don't see a problem with it, as long as we don't have other duties that require your attention," Kiara said. "Right now, you've done the most work with the Besm. Do you have anything you think we need to be aware of?"

"They're interesting, layered and complex. I don't know how to better describe it than that. When I get a better handle on their dialect, I might have more to say." She shrugged one shoulder, and cast dark eyes back to her plate.

"Fair enough," Kiara said. "When you do get a handle on it, please let me know." She looked around at the others. "Anyone else?"

T'len spoke up, "Same as ever to help prevent conflict by diplomatic means and to encourage understanding. Usually by cultural understanding and exchanges." She said thoughtfully.

Kiara smiled. "Definitely. A lot of misunderstandings can be avoided if we take the time to understand cultural differences. I would add historic ones as well because history colors culture. I want to use what has already been established here and if necessary, build on it, but I think you're all doing a fine job. I encourage cooperation and communication with the other diplomats, as long as they stay within Federation guidelines."

She looked around at the others. "Now, enjoy the food and each others' company. I would like to do this once a month and talk about what's going on in the department. I want us to be a cohesive tam." Kiara bowed to them and moved aside.

T'len returned the bow and turned to see whom was nearby in which to greet, looking forward to the experience.


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