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The Art of Falling Into Friendship, Part 1

Posted on Sun 25th Aug, 2019 @ 11:26pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sun 25th Aug, 2019 @ 11:29pm

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Shuttlebay, et al.
Timeline: MD 9, 1045

The shuttle finally landed on the starbase and Kiara let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't that the shuttle ride had been long, but two weeks was more than enough time to be cooped up and she was looking forward to stretching her feet and walking around the station.

She let the others disembark first, as she was in no particular hurry, then took her carry on bag and walked off the ramp to arrange for her things to be sent to her quarters--and find out where those quarters were.

Dallas had been released from the hospital a day ago and was on light duty. He was stuck greeting and escorting the new Chief Diplomat to her quarters and office, as well as showing her around the station if she so desired. He waited by the airlock and said hello to the small group of people as they exited the shuttle.

Pretty sure that Dallas could handle whatever came up now, Victoria nevertheless planned to hang around for one more day. Then perhaps she would go on wild wish-shopping sprees! The thought made her smile. For today, she followed along on his light-duty, waiting to meet the new Chief Diplomatic Officer. Not that she would meet Vic, of course, but even after months of ghost life, the former science officer's language hadn't changed any.

Kiara noticed a security officer greeting people and walked over to him. She wasn't sure if anyone would be meeting her, or where she should go after arranging for her things to be delivered. "Hello, lieutenant, perhaps you could help me?" she asked, noticing that his face was a little drawn. She wondered if he'd been ill recently.

"Hello, ma'am. I am here to escort you to your quarters and maybe show you around the station if you desire," Dallas said as he held out his hand.

Kiara took his hand and smiled. "Lovely. I would appreciate that. I am Kiara Lena. A pleasure to meet you."

“I’m Lieutenant Dallas Briggs from Security.” Dallas released her hand, “Would you like to see your quarters and freshen up a bit before you see your Office?”

"Looking a bit less rumpled would be nice," she replied. "So my quarters, then I would appreciate a tour of the station." She raised an eyebrow, almost Vulcan-like. "How do you prefer I address you? For myself, I prefer Kiara."

Dallas smiled, "I would prefer Lieutenant Briggs, or just Briggs, at least for now." He didn't want to get too informal, since he did just meet the woman.

She smiled back and nodded. "Very well, Lieutenant Briggs. Lead the way." As they walked, she asked, "What can you tell me about the station?"

Dallas laughed, “I’ve only been here a few days, so I don’t know much. It’s massive and takes some time to get around with all the trams and stuff. There is everything one could need here and more.” Dallas paused for a moment. “Oh, I have some trivia for you, I was almost killed on this station after about two days.”

She stopped to look at him. That explained why he looked like he'd been ill. "What happened?"

“Someone wanted me dead. I think it was a professional assassin who tried to kill me. He stabbed me in the chest and tried to send me out into space via an airlock,” Dallas explained.

"For what purpose?" she asked, continuing to walk beside him.

Dallas laughed, “That is the million-dollar question. If I only knew who and why I think I would sleep better.” Dallas continued to walk. “I believe they will try again since I’m still here.”

"Does security know who's behind it?" she asked. "Was he seen on any vids?"

Vic thought, I doubt there's anything anywhere that Lt. Michaels can't find. It was harder being a silent partner to her husband than she'd thought it would be, especially with him talking to a beautiful woman. Of course, it was her hope he would move on from her ... but she didn't want to watch it happen.

Dallas nodded, "Yes, there is a picture of him floating around that was caught on video camera." Dallas knew that the cameras were all deactivated during the attack, but Victoria saw him and she was able to have a sketch made up of the attacker and the source had to be protected, hence the white lie.

"Good." There was something not quite truthful about the statement, but she put it down to not knowing him very well. "I hear the starbase uses trams as well as turbolifts?"

Dallas nodded, "Oh, yeah. This place is so huge that it has to have its own transportation system other than just turbolifts. The tram is much faster and doesn't stop often. It takes a while and sometimes you have to switch to a different tram or turbolift. For the most part, it does take some time to go anywhere."

"Then I will definitely appreciate an escorted tour," she said.

They reached the tram stop where Kiara read through the instructions. "So, tram to turbolift to deck to quarters." She turned to Dallas. "Correct?"

Dallas nodded, "Sounds about right."

When the tram stopped and disgorged its passengers, Kiara entered. "What can you tell me about the tram system?" she asked.

Dallas followed her into the tram, "Not much, each has a detailed interactive map on it so at least you know where you are going."

Victoria loved riding the trams. For one thing, since she wasn't trapped by gravity, she could rise to the top of the car and observe everyone from an interesting perspective, or just watch the blur of the walls go by. Sometimes she came down to play on the trams, but she didn't tell Dallas that. He'd probably not be happy to hear it, because he was so afraid he would lose this last bit of her. Really, though, wasn't she already dead? And it was fun to float right out the roof of the tram and go through the windows facing some of the decks, or ghost through the top or bottom of the tunnel, imagining how people would react if they could see her. A girl needed some kind of fun, after all!

To Be Continued ....


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