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New Orders

Posted on Tue 6th Aug, 2019 @ 4:25am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena
Edited on on Wed 7th Aug, 2019 @ 5:13pm

911 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: USS Budapest
Timeline: Backstory

Kiara loved her time aboard the Budapest, partly because it was named after a city not too far from where she grew up, but mostly because she had the privilege of working with a venerable Vulcan who had more years as a diplomat than her parents had been alive. He was old and staid, set in his ways and a perfectionist. And she loved him for it.

He taught her how to read people, how to keep her thoughts deeply hidden behind a cool facade, how to negotiate the finer points of a treaty, and how to keep herself separated from her work.

She was taught this in the Academy and on her earlier postings, but he had a way of looking at things, or dealing with people, that continually impressed her, and had her working long hours to internalize his lessons and improve her own skillset.

And so, it was with mixed emotions that she went back into her quarters after a long day of researching to find a message from Starfleet Command informing her that she was to be transferred to Starbase 109, effective in two weeks' time. She’d turned down a department head position to work with Solan, and now she was given a second opportunity, but while she knew she was capable of taking the position, she was sad to leave her mentor.

And yet, the opportunity to work on a post like Starbase 109 was not a chance that would likely come again. She looked up the location of the starbase and realized she would have to leave the next morning in order to arrive on time.

She acknowledged the orders and went to Solan's office so she could give him the news and bid him goodbye.

"Come," he said when the door chimed.

She stepped into the room and bowed, then hesitated, unsure how to tell him her news.

"You are here to inform me that you have received your orders and are being transferred to a new position," he said, looking up from his PADD.

"How did you..." She knew she shouldn't be surprised. He seemed to know everything going on.

"I recommended you for the position. Did you read far enough to see what it was?" he asked, an amused twinkle in his eye.

"Starbase 109," she said. "I must leave in the morning."

"To take a position as the chief diplomat," he said. "You were more than competent when you came here a year ago, but you learned much in the past year. I believe you to be the most qualified for this next phase of your career."

"You honor me," she said. Even though she knew she was qualified for the position, his praise was more than she felt she deserved.

"You earned the praise. You have been an excellent assistant, but now you have to spread your wings." He opened a drawer and took out a box before standing to come around his desk. "It is rare to find someone as young as you so willing to study and learn. I have enjoyed our time together."

"As have I," Kiara said, almost uncomfortable at the praise. Or was it his way of encouraging her? "I look forward to the challenge, but a part of me wonders if I'm ready for it."

"Is anyone truly ready for change?" he countered. When she shook her head, he nodded. "Indeed. Never get too full of your own importance or believe yourself to be infallible. That is when you make mistakes. But it is time, and this will be a great opportunity for you. Take it and never stop learning."

"I wish there were words to tell you how much I have..."

He cut her off with a wave. "As have I. But I will not abide tears or lengthy farewells. You may keep in touch. Tell me of your new assignment and ask any questions for which you cannot find answers." He handed her the box. "I was given this by my mentor when I worked on Vulcan. I now give it to you."

She took it slowly, unsure of why he would give her something that meant so much to him. When she opened it, she caught her breath. It was a beautiful IDIC on a silver chain. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "I can't accept this."

"Do not reject my gift," he said. "It pleases me to do this. Live long and prosper, Kiara."

She couldn't help herself. She gave him a quick hug. "Thank you. For everything."

He bowed. "It was my pleasure, my dear. Do not forget who you are, or lose your compassion for staid old men."

She was sure he smiled at that, even though his expression didn't change. "I will never forget you or what I learned here."

"Nor will I. Now, go pack. Say your farewells to the others in the office and be happy." Then he turned, went back to his desk, picked up the PADD, and went back to reading.

Kiara smiled. It was more approval than he'd ever shown her, and she would never forget it, or him. She bowed to him. "Prosperity and long life, sir." Then she turned and went back to her quarters to pack.

She would have to leave gifts for the others in the diplomatic office, but she had said her most important farewell. With a sigh, she headed back to her quarters to pack.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 7th Aug, 2019 @ 5:11pm

A great beginning starts with a great ending, and this was certainly that. Thank you for a view of your character!