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Posted on Wed 28th Aug, 2019 @ 2:59pm by Maiek s'Ethien & Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr

414 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: RRW Ehtevau Bridge
Timeline: MD 5 0900

A tall elegant female swept onto the bridge and settled into the seat to the right of the Command chair. She was not wearing any rank insignia, instead she was dressed in what had been the style of the nobility from Romulas before Hobus went nova. A deep emerald green dress hugged her every curve tightly, up to her hips where it flared to the floor. A black sash wrapped around her waist and passed over her left shoulder. Black glimmering fabric encased her arms up to the elbow, and tied back her ebony hair. Golden buttons held the sleeves closed, and a glittering lattice of golden threads with a tiny jeweled bead on each junction covered the dress on its left side.

"Decloak at the edge of the system and come in nice and slow...1/4 impulse." Her voice was deeper and more confident than it had been before.

"De cloak?" the male seated at the security station repeated almost dumbfounded.

"Are you hearing impaired? Yes Decloak. These Federation types don't take kindly to Romulan warbirds suddenly decloaking 100 meters off their starboard. We want them to talk to us, not try to blow us out of the sky!" Under her breath she muttered 'Veruul' and settled back into the chair where normally the Commanding Officer would be.

The dark look the officer gave her was not lost on her, nor was it lost on the young man sitting next to her who gently cleared his throat. Tossing a look at him, she softened slightly when he made a 'be nice' gesture that he'd clearly learned from a human.

Her voice took on the honey sweet tone that you would expect to hear when one was scolding a child. " Right now, this isn't a warship. It's a diplomatic vessel. I realize that might be a novel concept for someone who has been a soldier for as long as you subcommander. We have to appear as they expect diplomats should. Starfleet types still don't trust Romulans, for the same reason that we don't trust the False Empire. They are not aware of who we are and what we represent. I would greatly prefer to make it to the Station in question intact."

Tapping elegant gilded fingernails on the screen in front of her, she enjoyed the twitch of annoyance from that same subcommander. She felt no remorse in commandering his ship for the good of the new republic.

"Hail them as soon as we're in range."


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 28th Aug, 2019 @ 7:11pm

Whooeee! She's going to be a handful! I look forward to seeing her interact with the other diplomats. =) Great introduction.