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Getting Ready

Posted on Sun 14th Jul, 2019 @ 11:52pm by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: USS Pegasus: Jericho’s Quarters and Armory
Timeline: Back Story: A month, more or less

Maggie put the last of her things into the small satchel. Reaching for the small type 1 personnel phaser, she tucked it into the small outer pocket. Slipping it over her shoulder, she left the room ready for the adventure. The first set of instructions the couple received directed them to a runabout that was prepped and waiting in Shuttle bay six. They were told to board and depart within the hour. They had been advised to bring only the essentials. Further instructions would be delivered once they left the Pegasus.

"Well, I guess I'm all set." She patted the bag at her side. "I even snuck in a handful of protein bars for an emergency." She smiled. "Never know when a girl's gonna get a snack attack."

Elliot packed a backpack with various high-performance protein snacks along with standard rations and a type one phaser along with some personal bladed weapons. He looked around for an item and upon finding it, placed the tricorder in the pack and zipped it up. He smiled at Meghan, “I guess I have mostly everything, but we need to go to the armory for a few more things.”

"You forgot your toothbrush." Maggie teased trying to lighten the situation.

"I can always replicate a toothbrush and toothpaste along the way." Elliot teased back.

Maggie shook her head. "Incorrigible, that's what you are." She looked around their quarters. "Well, It was good while it lasted. I'm going to miss these quarters." She wasn't sure, but she had the sinking feeling that this would be the last time they saw the Pegasus.

Elliot looked at her and blinked, “What are you talking about? This is our quarters and we will be right back here. We’re not transferring that I am aware of...”

"I know." She smiled and put her hand on her husband's arm as she walked by him. "It just feels...different this time for some reason," She shrugged. "I'm just worrying for no reason. I guess it's all the secrecy. I mean we can't even tell our friends."

Elliot gently cupped her face with his hands, “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”

Maggie put her arms around him. "I know you won't." She leaned in to kiss him. "I'd feel better if we had more than an hour's notice, though. This is really covert. It's unnerving," She rested her head on her husband's shoulder. “It’s just not what I planned this evening to be," Maggie wasn't worried about what might happen to her. She knew Elliot would do anything to keep her safe. But what about him? And what about the things he doesn't know? "We should get going. The message said we would get more information once we leave the station."

"I think I have everything," Elliot said as he threw his pack over his shoulder, "You need any help with anything?" He asked as he looked back at her. The door to their quarters sliding open.

"I packed light this time." She grinned and reached for his hand. "Let's go. We still have to stop by the armory."

"Yes we do, I need some Toys just in case we run into any trouble.” Elliot grinned. He enjoyed all types of weapons and was very handy with them. Though he didn’t consider himself an explosive expert, he did like to blow things up when he was afforded the opportunity to do so.

The couple reached the armory, and Elliot’s tongue was nearly hanging out, he was about to drool. “Can I get three type ll phasers, um, four of the distraction devices and four tactical explosives? Elliot stood behind the counter as the weapons officer grabbed the gear. “Yes, those,” he said as he pointed out the small grenade type explosives. “Perfect.” He said enthusiastically then stuffed the devices in his pack. “Thank you, my friend!” He said with a grin.

Meghan laughed to herself as she watched her husband. "I need two boot daggers and a type I phaser." She hadn't had the training that Elliot had. She was an amazing pilot and more than fair with a phaser or in hand to hand combat when necessary. But she had no skills with demolitions of any kind outside of the basic training they received while at the academy.

Elliot watched his wife as she gathered only the essentials and smiled, she always did pack lighter than he did. “Got everything hun? The runabout should be ready by now,” Elliot said as he hoisted his pack over his shoulder.

"I want one more thing," She looked at Elliot. Her face told him how serious she was about her request. "I want to get subcutaneous transponders put in. It'll take five minutes and give me peace of mind." She squeezed her husband's hand. "Please."

“We’d have to get Medical to put it in and they will be wanting answers that we can’t give them,” Elliot said. She knew as well as he did that, they couldn’t discuss the operation with anyone.

"I can put them in. We just need the hypospray and the implants." She told him.

Elliot frowned, “And just where are we going to get them? You want me to take out a nurse or something?” He teased about the last part.

The Weapon's Officer looked at the pair. "We keep some here." He offered. "I mean there are ops going in and out on most ships so we like to be prepared." He gave a shrug. "And because of who we are, no questions asked."

Maggie smiled and looked at Elliot, "And Maggie gets her way?" She gave him a quick kiss on his nose.

Elliot nodded without saying another word. Arguing with his wife when she really wanted something was a lost cause and he knew better.

Maggie took the small implants with her and smiled as she walked with her husband toward the shuttle bay.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 21st Sep, 2019 @ 12:10am

Sounds like a very interesting mission coming up! Lots of nice couple interaction. Thanks for bringing these two over to SB109.