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Prototype Part l

Posted on Sat 20th Jul, 2019 @ 7:24pm by Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Sun 10th May, 2020 @ 5:59pm

1,203 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Runabout Pacifica
Timeline: Back Story

Elliot and Meghan had just departed the Pegasus and Elliot had plotted a course for Tetrus and engaged the engines at their maximum speed. If they were the only chance to recover the Prototype shuttle then they had to hurry. “It says we are to rendezvous with a trader by the name of Merik in the Primus system.”

He will provide our transportation and cover to Tetrus.” Elliot said. “My name is Falcon and I am a lord of the Goth system, which is a pretty brutal system of bad guys. I am going to Tetrus to purchase military-grade weapons and gear for my people to fend off rebels.”

“It looks like your name is Genesis, Falcon’s personal slave. You are from the third planet, Remiere.” Elliot said.

"Personal slave huh?" She shook her head. "Well, that's just par for the course." She didn't like the idea at all. "How do we end up portraying a slaver six decades after the Federation bans it?" She knew it wasn't Elliot's fault but he was going to get the brunt of her anger just the same. "I suppose I'm to wear some awful sexist costume as well?!

“The Federation can’t control all the systems in the Aloha and Beta quadrants. Many systems don’t even recognize the Federation, but I tell you what, I dress up as the slave and you can be the guy. It won’t work, but I’ll do it for you.” Elliot teased her and gave her the smile that she fell in love with.

"Cute but not funny Jericho." Her face contorted angrily. "It's not like Starfleet is giving me a choice. Those old geezers are still sexist even if they like to pretend we're all equal." Meghan got up and went to the replicator. "Rigellian Brandy, rocks." She took her glass and sipped on her go to angry drink. She would need at least two more before she calmed down. "So seriously, what does this slut slave costume look like and how will I smuggle my phaser in it?"

“Well with either the catsuit or the bikini, there is only one place that you, my dear would be able to hide anything.” Elliot glanced at her cleavage, “You will have to use what you were blessed with. You'll probably be able to hide a type I in there. It will be enough to get you started at least.”

"Cute." She pouted. After replicating her second Rigellian Brandy, she took a seat next to her husband.

Elliot and Meghan were in the back of the runabout trying to relax before the rendezvous with the trader. The runabout was being controlled by the computer until then. They would have to get what rest they could now because there was no guarantee they'd get any later. Maggie curled up in her chair. "You've been on duty all day. Why don't you try to get some sleep? I'll keep an eye on things for a while," She offered.

Elliot had guessed it would probably be another 12 hours before they would rendezvous with the trader, and then another 4 to five days to get to Tetrus.
"You know you can join me in the bunk for some rest, the runabout can handle anything and then wake us up when it can't," Elliot said.

Meghan smirked. "You get some rest." She leaned in and kissed him. "I'll be in after a while and we can 'rest' together." She never really trusted the Avionics Unit so she wanted to keep an eye on it for a while. Besides, Elliot needed some sleep. One of them had to be at 100%. She'd give him a couple of hours to sleep and then crawl into bed with him.

Elliot nodded without saying a word then headed for the bunk compartment. He dimmed the lights before climbing into his bunk and closing his eyes. He would do his best to fall asleep, but he probably had too much adrenalin pumping to go to sleep anytime soon.

Maggie went back to the front of the shuttle and took a look around. She didn't want to interrupt Elliot's sleep so she chose to do her stretching exercises up front. Removing her uniform top, she was in a tank and leggings which made stretching and bending easier. She didn't want to do too much because then she would need to shower. A few stretches to either side and then her usual Yoga positions and she was relaxed enough to go to bed and stripped down to her underwear and tank top.

Slipping under the sheets, she slid into the bunk and wrapped her arm around Elliot's waist. She pressed up against him and spooned her body with his.

Elliot smiled softly when he felt his wife against his body, enjoining her warmth. “Love you...” he murmured.

"I love you too." She whispered.

A few hours later Elliot woke up. He was unsure of how long he had been asleep, but he would take all that he could get. He couldn’t move without waking Meghan so he closed his eyes and just lay there taking in the comfort of being with his wife. After some time he fell back to sleep again and dreamt.

By now the couple in the bed had changed positions and Meghan was wrapped securely in the arms of her husband. It was this way that she slept the best. There was nothing more secure to her than feeling him against her back, his warmth permeating what little clothing was between them.

Elliot finally woke up again, this time Meghan was securely in his arms and he spooned against her backside. He stirred a little then began kissing the back of her neck softly.

Maggie sighed softly as she moved further into her husband's arms. "Hmm, morning babe." She whispered.

"Did you get enough sleep? You can sleep more if you like." Elliot said softly.

"I'm never too tired for you, my love." She smiled as she looked at the chronometer. "'We've been asleep for six hours."

Elliot woke up a bit more, "We should rendezvous with the trader in about 3 hours. I should get up and go over the instructions again." Elliot slowly climbed out of bed and began changing from his sleepwear to a civilian set of clothing.

"We have three hours." Maggie smiled. "You should come back to bed. We don't know when we might have this time again in the next few days." She patted the bed.

"Well, since you put it that way...." Elliot said before taking off his shirt.

Maggie adjusted herself in the bed to allow Elliot to slip in under the blankets before she slid her leg across his torso maneuvering herself atop him. She kissed his neck lightly before whispering. "Now, isn't this better than rereading orders for the next three hours?"

"There is nothing that I have ever known that is better than this, I adore you, my wife," Elliot said as he gazed up into her eyes. He knew exactly what she wanted.

Maggie smiled. "I love you, husband." she touched his face and guided Elliot down to her as the pair shared a passionate kiss.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 21st Sep, 2019 @ 12:13am

Oooh, risqué! Borderline for our rating, but their mission does sound interesting.