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Shank's Mare

Posted on Thu 4th Jul, 2019 @ 8:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sun 11th Aug, 2019 @ 12:33am

803 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Exam 4, Primary Sickbay
Timeline: MD 5, 08:40

Previously, on Starbase 109:

Briggs shook his head, “When they are brought to justice, not before.” Dallas had been secretly investigating the explosion that killed his wife, and he had gathered all the sensor data, all the scans of their quarters, all computer records for entry to the ship before and after. He was digging into it, and he would find out who did it and why. Then, maybe she could finally Rest In Peace.

And now, the conclusion!

Doctor Addams raised an eyebrow, but let the apparent non-sequitur pass by unremarked. She scrolled the holographic view of the bones down the leg to the attachment point, and nodded. "Computer, display enervation layer." She studied the resulting image, nodded. "You are experiencing pain, Mr. Briggs, because you have continued to use a prosthesis which was never intended for long-term function. Further, you are beginning to stress your bones with the temporary attachments. I recommend we replace the prosthesis with a standard bio-synthetic model. Has anyone discussed that option with you, previously?"

Dallas shook his head, “No one ever said anything about this one being temporary. I figured that I was still healing and that, eventually, the pain would diminish, so I accepted it. I’m not one to complain about a little pain.” Dallas paused for a moment, “This new bio-synthetic one, does it come off or is it permanently affixed?”

"A good question," Addams said. She pushed the hologram of Briggs' leg out of her way, and instructed, "Computer, show biosynthetic introduction one, audio off." A second leg appeared in the air, initially identical to the first. "The short answer is, it never comes off, and never has to be recharged. We would begin by removal of the existing prosthesis, and healing of the damage it has caused. Then, we introduce a replacement. Initially, this replacement is a biocompatible polymer -- plastic, if you will -- which will be seeded with your own induced pluripotent stem cells."

Addams watched as the illustration followed along with her words, then went on, "Initially, you'll see little improvement over your existing prosthesis, but over time, your cells will proliferate, replacing the synthetic tissues. You'll likely need some physical therapy, but within a year, you should feel as if you have your original leg; within five years, all polymers will have been displaced and replaced by your own tissue. In short, it will be your own leg."

Dallas nodded, “That sounds really good, but how long would I be off my feet and how soon would you be able to start the process. I still need to work and get around.” Dallas was worried about how it would look for him to just arrive and be off his feet for two weeks or something. He couldn’t lose any time from work.

"You're security?" Addams asked. "You shouldn't concern yourself. Lieutenant Perry recently watched the Commodore go through a similar process. It takes about forty-eight hours to culture the cells and lay down the scaffolding. Then Doctor Dhuro would need a working day with you to remove the old limb and replace it and monitor for complications. You'd likely be up and around the following day, though you'll need a brace and likely a cane."

Dallas nodded while the Doctor explained the procedure. He was pleased that something could be done. "Okay, I would like to have it done at the earliest possible time," Dallas replied.

"Check with the Corpsman at the front desk for scheduling," Addams said, stepping toward the door and triggering it to open. "In the meantime, I recommend that you make your next stop the offices of the station's counseling staff. You have exhibited signs of survivor guilt and post-traumatic stress during our discussion, and I believe it would help for you to talk to someone whose expertise is helping people deal with such."

Dallas nodded, even though she didn't see it, and Vicky was wrong, this woman didn't see her at all. That was too bad, Vicky probably could have used someone to talk to other than just him. He waited for the Doctor to leave before he got off the bed to do the same.

Victoria watched the doctor leave, and then turned to her husband, who now stood next to the table. "Wow, Dal, can you imagine that? I never heard of such a thing. This place is amazing. I think we're right on the forefront of everything on this base. I would never have imagined how much this place would change your life."

“Yeah, why don’t we get out of here so we can relax. How about a long walk in a quiet part of the base?” Dallas suggested.

"I think I've seen just the place on the directory," his ghost smiled.


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