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Mission's End

Posted on Wed 26th Jun, 2019 @ 8:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sun 11th Aug, 2019 @ 12:35am

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Breen Lab Asteroid
Timeline: Backstory

Previously, in "Target Practice" ... He found human life signs on the next closest asteroid, the one that had taken off the wing of the Valkyrie. She was there, and her life signs were stable. He got a transporter lock and, this time, transported his wife.

As Victoria regained consciousness, the first thing she was aware of was the light. She could feel it against her eyelids, warm and dry, and sense its heat on her hands. Slitting her eyes, she peered out of the narrow gap. "Dallas?" she asked weakly. "What happened?" She shut her eyes again, as it was too much effort to keep them open. "I kept waking up in the dark, and I couldn't move."

Dallas dropped on his knees at her side and slipped off her helmet. “You’re okay, Vicky, you’re okay,” he assured her. He scanned her body with the Medical probe from the first aid kit, just to make sure she was fine. Once he put down the probe, he held up her head a little and a cup of water. “Here drink, you’ll feel better.”

"Why does everyone always say that?" Victoria complained. "It's just water." Nevertheless, she took a few sips and then asked, "How did you get me out? How did you even find me? I have no idea where I was. If I'd spent more time aware, it would have scared me to death, I think."

She tried to sit up, but couldn't manage it alone. "Hey, help me out here, bud. Let me lean against the bulkhead. I'm tired of lying down!"

Her husband thought of some funny remarks, but decided not to use them. This wasn't the time. He helped her to sit up, then helped prop her against the bulkhead. He winced in pain having to use his right hand which was still broken and bloody. He hadn't taken the time to give himself anything for the pain, and it was excruciating. "You decided to take a mini vacation on a different asteroid than I did. Sorry I had to leave you there for so long. I was a bit busy, and the Breen didn't want me to use any of their stuff."

"Ah, you're always a funny guy when it hurts the worst. I'm fine, now take care of your hand, before it's infected and falls off. I'd probably miss it," she smiled at him. Her pain was at a minimum now, and fading away, as long as she didn't move. She supposed it was from being cramped in the safe place the computer had picked for her. She'd have to speak to the programmers about that.

(tag to possibly change or add to the next response?)

Her husband kissed Vick on the forehead before getting up and climbing into the pilot's seat. He looked back at her, "Keep an eye in our passenger. She's in that blue blob-like bag-envelope thing. I found her when I was searching for you, and for now she's stable."

Dallas started up the engines and the shuttle lifted off. He turned his attention to the hanger doors and how he could open then. There were no controls in the shuttle, so he activated the shields and then the weapons system.

"Hold onto something, its about to get bumpy," Briggs called back. Locking onto the hanger door, he fired two torpedoes and, in a fraction of a second, there was a huge explosion. There was a blinding light and the shuttle rocked, but it suffered no damage, since most of the force went away from them.

Now that the door was completely blown away, they had an unobstructed departure. The Cardassian shuttle quickly moved away from the asteroid. Dallas thought of the defense platforms, but they didn't fire. Perhaps their programming ignored the Cardassian shuttles. As they moved farther away, Dallas turned in his seat. "If you will do the honors, reach in my bag and get the detonator."

"With pleasure," Victoria declared, pulling his bag toward her. "I always like blowing up things. Put the rear camera on the view screen so I can watch." As soon as she saw the receding asteroid on the screen, the woman pushed the button. There was the shortest of gaps while the signal traveled the ever increasing distance and then ... a spectacular eruption filled the screen.

"I think the virus wasn't all they had stored there, Dal," she said.


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