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An Anniversary To Remember

Posted on Thu 20th Jun, 2019 @ 9:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sun 11th Aug, 2019 @ 12:36am

932 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: USS Typhoon
Timeline: Back Story

Dallas sat on the sofa in the main room in their shared quarters. He was helping the Chief of Security with some daily reports. He looked up at Victoria as if he had just remembered something, and took a drink from his glass of chilled red wine. "I just thought of something, our anniversary is coming up isn't it? We should do something special."

His wife gave him a withering glance. "You might have had a chance with that line ... if you'd remembered last week. Since you didn't, we'll move along to next year, and hope you do better."

Dallas did a face palm before shaking his head. "I can't believe I forgot again. There must be something wrong with my PADD. I had it programmed in to warn me in advance." Dallas got up and walked over to his wife and stepped behind her. He grasped her long hair with both hands and gently pulled her hair off to one side and stepped down in front of her. He began to gently massage her neck and shoulders with his hands, "Please don't be mad, we both have a lot of vacation time saved up. When we dock here in a couple days, I'm sure the Captain will give us a week of shore leave."

"Hmm, that feels nice," Victoria murmured. She wasn't really angry with him. After all, she could have reminded him. It didn't seem to mean as much if she had to nag him into remembering, though. He'd get it when he really wanted to. "So what do you think there is to do wherever we're docking? And where is it, anyway? You'd think I'd know, but I've been too busy to think about it, and didn't have a reason to care enough to check. Maybe there will be something different to do. A safari through the desert animal kingdom, a sailing ship through shark-like-animal-infested waters, or perhaps being tourists captured by the local criminal element." Teasing him was half the fun of her life.

"I can't imagine anything as tame as walking on moonlit beaches or candlelit dinners. Definitely no diamond tennis bracelets," she laughed up at him.

Dallas chuckled, "I was thinking about maybe being trapped on a high building that was on fire. How fun would that be?" He loved dishing it out to her as much as he enjoyed receiving it.

"I was thinking about us going to Risa just to relax for a few days on the beach somewhere, not a holodeck like our honeymoon, but perhaps a second honeymoon. There are tons of activities to do on Risa, more than enough fun things to keep us busy." Dallas didn't want to act like a talking brochure, so he left it up to her.

"Weeelllll ... Risa would be nice. I don't know, though. The high building on fire would be invigorating. Are you sure Risa would offer as much adrenalin?" She couldn't continue without giggling.

"Okay, you talked me into it. Risa it is, even if you have to include the dratted moonlit beaches. Can we afford that, though? I've heard it's awfully expensive. I'd love a couple of days in a nice beach apartment, maybe a massage and dancing to romantic music." She sighed and leaned her head forward so he could get to her neck more easily. "Wait a second. Are you talking about the holodeck?"

Dallas laughed, "No, no holodeck this time, it would be the real thing, walks on real beaches, swimming in real water. Pretty much everything you see is real and yes, we can afford it." Dallas leaned down and softly kissed her on the back of the neck.

Victoria smiled as she imagined the shopping ... shopping she hadn't mentioned to her husband, but of which she fully intended to take advantage. "Two questions for you, then. One, how soon can we get permission for this little romantic getaway? And two ... does your PADD remember just which anniversary this is?"

"Well, if my year is correct, it's 2384. That would make it our eighth year anniversary, wouldn't you say? Don't need a PADD to tell me that," Dallas said.

"Just checking," she laughed, shaking her hair back as he took his hands away. She stood up and turned to look at him, a twinkle in her eyes. "One never knows what a husband remembers, or how much trouble he's getting into if one doesn't keep a close eye on him. And did you just completely ignore my first question? Are you keeping another secret from me that I haven't figured out?"

“Nah...” Dallas said then laughed, “I was just testing you.” He smiled back, “I’d have to get with the XO and see if she could free us from the roster for about a week. Oh, wait....that’s you!” Dallas teased.

"Why so it is. I'll have to check with the captain to be sure, but I don't see a problem. I don't think he'll give us a fighter to get there, though. Transportation is going to be up to you to arrange, and I want something comfortable, bud," she warned him.

“Well, there are lots of shuttles we can borrow and it shouldn’t take more than a day or so to get to Risa from Starbase 59. I just figured you’d want to take a fighter...” Dallas teased. He thought about it, the Typhoon would be at Starbase 59 tomorrow and they could leave from there. It would take about another day and they could be on a real beach.


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