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Life Goes On

Posted on Mon 17th Jun, 2019 @ 9:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sun 11th Aug, 2019 @ 12:37am

888 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: USS Typhoon
Timeline: A Little Over A Year Ago

Dallas was unhappy with himself. Starfleet, more specifically Captain Barstow trusted Dallas to negotiate the peace treaty fairly, and he thought that it didn’t turn out that way. One of the parties involved all but threatened Dallas, once the talks were over and the disputes settled. He had shrugged off what he thought was an empty threat. That maybe they had said it in anger.

Dallas returned to the ship and went back to their quarters. They were some pretty nice quarters, much better than his old ones. His wife being the XO had its perks. He felt bad, but thought it might help him relax if he cooked them dinner. He was sure that Vick would appreciate the gesture, since she was pretty busy herself. So he cooked ...

As Victoria entered her home, ready to throw off her official persona and just be a woman for a few hours, she was thinking about having dinner brought up from Eye of the Storm on Deck 10. The menu was pretty good, and she didn't really feel like cooking after the day she'd had. They could, of course, go out to the lounge, but she didn't really want to be around people. That was a hard thing about being the number two in command ... everyone wanted to air their grievances even when she was off duty.

The wonderful aroma of an Italian red sauce hit her nose just as she had decided to order out. "Oh my gosh! What is that?" she asked, spotting her husband, pot in hand.

Dallas chuckled, “Your favorite, pasta in a beautiful red sauce with garlic bread sticks and a terrific side salad. I also have a red wine chilling at the table.” Dallas turned to see his loving wife approaching. “I hope you’re hungry.” He considered himself a pretty good cook and she always seemed to enjoy his Italian cooking.

"I haven't had anything except a banana since I left this morning. I'm starved! Just let me change out of this uniform, and ... I hope it will be ready? If not, I'll have to find a horse somewhere," she teased him.

Dallas laughed, “You don’t have anything to worry about, everything is ready and just waiting for you. So take your time, it’s not going anywhere.” While Dallas was talking he finished preparations on the table settings and lit two candles, one on each side of the table.

"Take my time he says, as he lights the candles." Victoria winked and headed for their bedroom and comfort clothes - a long sea green silk caftan, she decided. Taking time to scrub her face and wash her hands, she put on the more comfortable clothing. Pulling the zipper up, she walked back out into the main room.

"Was that fast enough?" she asked, noting the candles were still a little rounded on the top.

Dallas stepped forward and took her in his arms. “Are you kidding...” he whispered. “You look fantastic and yes, it was fast.” He kissed her forehead a couple times. “I love you, wife.”

Giving him a tight hug, she said, "I love you, too." She rested her head against his shoulder for a moment, feeling that it was just where she fit the best. "I especially love you with the smell of pasta sauce mingling with the scent of your skin," she teased after a moment.

Dallas chuckled, "I know you're pretty hungry and just because I smell like food, I hope you don't start digging into me." Dallas also liked to tease her as well.

She leaned back with a wicked grin. "Maybe you should feed me to be absolutely sure." He released her and they moved toward the table, where the candles had burned down a little more. "Real candles are a nice touch, Dal. I don't know where you come up with ideas like that, but they always seem to come at just the right time. I could use some dim lighting and soft ancient music - but not violins, please." She took her seat and he pushed the chair in a bit. He'd never said much about who had instilled the old world manners in him, but it was one of many intriguing things she liked.

Dallas chuckled, "Sorry, forgot about the lights and soft music, but you got here before I was prepared." Dallas paused, "Computer dim lights by sixty percent and play Beethovan, Piano Sonata No. 14, Moonlight Sonata, at twenty percent volume." A soft classical piano began to play through their quarters as Dallas opened the chilled red wine.

"Now that's romantic," Victoria said. "Do you remember the first time we met? This was playing in the background, and I didn't even know what it was. At the time, I only knew it seemed appropriate to the way I felt when you looked at me. The way I still feel," she said, accepting a glass from him. "I can't imagine what my life would have been like if you hadn't looked up at me right that minute, so that I could fall in love with you."

She raised her glass, a small smile playing on her lips. "Here's to many decades of life together."

Dallas held his glass to hers and it made a soft clinking sound, "To many more years...."


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