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Four Doors

Posted on Wed 12th Jun, 2019 @ 1:04pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Adam Keller
Edited on on Wed 12th Jun, 2019 @ 11:01pm

1,118 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Chief Counselor's Office, Deck 83
Timeline: MD-2

“Perhaps the greatest faculty our minds possess is the ability to cope with pain. Classic thinking teaches us of the four doors of the mind, which everyone moves through according to their need...." --Patrick Rothfuss, from The Name of the Wind

How much information would the counselor have? How much could he give? Adam approached the counselor's office and chimed the door. He'd have to give at least some of the information they had so that he was aware of the situation and why he was being asked to participate.

"Come in," Paul called out, which signaled his office door to open. He walked around the corner of his desk to greet his visitor. "Lt. Keller, it's good to see you. How's married life treating you?" It was a pleasant surprise to see the Betazoid officer, whose wedding Paul had attended almost a year before.

"Hey Doc," Adam smiled. "Married life is great, baby's growing like a weed." Adam offered his hand. "I'm here on official business if you've got a minute."

Paul shook Keller's hand and waved him to a seat. "I'm working on documentation today, so I have plenty of time to speak with you. What's your official business?"

"We've been questioning the Alegari woman since yesterday and we've come across some interesting things." Adam explained. "Captain Grax thinks you should be brought in for the next phase because of what we've discovered."

"Alegari woman?" Who was that, Paul wondered, and then he remembered. "This is the suspect you all found who was transmitting clandestine signals from 109, correct? I recall reading a detailed report from Dr. Addams about a ring she wore?"

"Yes, that's the woman. As it turns out while we were questioning her, we discovered that she has at least three separate personalities. Each one has their own memories or lack thereof about their time here on the station. None of them remembers the ring you read about." Adam started to explain. He paused so that the doctor could register what he'd said about the multiple personality disorder.

Paul raised his eyebrows. "Dissociative identity disorder is a rare condition. I would definitely want to confirm that--and it might affect sentencing if she really was transmitting unauthorized signals and really does have DID." He frowned. "If none of the known personalities remembers the ring, there may be more personalities to find."

"Personally, I think there's one more. But I only felt it for a moment." He shrugged after saying that. "Anyway, the thought is to allow the apparent dominant personality access to the ring. Captain Grax wants you present. There was a strong sense of violation and fear when the woman was told about it," he mentioned. 'Did he remember that right? Yes. He was sure he did.' "Unless she or they or whatever can actually manipulate their true feelings and reactions, none of them was aware of the ring or how she came to be in possession of it."

"If she has DID, the personalities won't be able to manipulate their own feelings much, because they were created to cope with specific sorts of trauma, and it's difficult for them to grow beyond that unless and until they integrate," Paul said. He pulled a PADD from a desk drawer and clipped a stylus to it. "Lead on, Lieutenant. You are in danger of me using one of Dr. Addams' lines about fascinating presents." He gestured for Adam to precede him out of his office, and they left the Counseling area, pausing only long enough for Paul to inform Petty Officer Matav that they were headed to the Intelligence Department. Then they headed toward the turbolift.

"What sort of personalities has this woman manifested?" Paul asked Adam as they walked. "What are they like?"

"Zelda, the one we arrested, didn't say much. She was confused and worried." Adam stated as he walked beside the man. "The second one was flirtatious and conniving. She was the one that wanted out of the room, and talked our guy into taking her out." He snickered a little. "She disappeared when they walked into Orchids and Jazz. The third one...seemed in control. She spoke for the other two and talked as if she knew them. But she was nervous as well." He shrugged his head from side to side... "The whole idea of this ring really shook her, but then she asked to see it and maybe even hold it."

Paul shot Adam a startled look. "She wants to hold it?" He gave a low whistle. "Whoever she is, she's got courage--or is just that desperate for control. On one hand, I think handling that ring could be like ripping the scab off of a deep wound. On the other hand, if remembering makes her feel more in control of her situation and causes her to feel more willing to cooperate with you, perhaps it could work. But I'm concerned that she may be in for a rough ride."

"You think whoever gave her the ring might be the reason for the schizo behavior?" Adam asked.

"I don't know, and it would be unwise to speculate too much," Paul said. "Usually, personality dissociation happens because of severe abuse or trauma suffered in childhood, trauma so bad that the mind has to retreat from it, put it behind a door. I don't know how old Ms. Alegari was when she first met whoever made her ring. I know nothing of her past. I'll have a better idea, once I meet her."

"I'm curious to see if there's a fourth personality that the others are hiding," Adam said as they approached the interrogation rooms. "We're set up in here." Adam waved his hand toward the door. "Ildaran has been charged with procuring the ring from wherever it's locked up. He'll meet us here."

"All right," Paul said. "Shall I just go on in, or would you prefer for me to wait?"

"No, no come in. This is an observation area. The actual interrogation happens on the other side of the wall." Adam explained. "Captain Grax will fill you in and answer any other questions for you."

"I'll wait here, then, and see what impressions I can pick up," Paul said. He glanced toward the screen that showed a red-haired woman sitting in another room. "She seems calm at the moment. Do you have any psych write-ups on her at all?"

"The Captain will have more information for you when he arrives," Adam said. "I'm here to see what kind of read I can get on her."

"Always a good idea," Paul said. He waited with Adam, curious to see what the coming event would bring.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 16th Jun, 2019 @ 10:15pm

SO interesting to see what you made of what we wrote. =) I like this discussion very much.