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Responders, Part 2

Posted on Sat 6th Apr, 2019 @ 7:16pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

1,251 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Deck 700, Tram Platform
Timeline: MD 1, 1630

(On Scene, Platform 700)

Hospital Corpsman Chief Petty Officer Tayang ran an eye over the small crowd gathered on the platform, then called loudly, "Who's the damage control on-scene leader?"

Adam saw several people beginning to mull around straining to see what was going on, looking for hope as they waited on news of loved ones and friends. He hadn't seen anyone come in and take charge yet but he knew that spectators and family members trying to find their loved ones could get in the way and put the rescue at risk. Security would be here quickly but he chose to do something now by making an announcement.

"Anyone not directly involved in resolving this emergency, or in the rescue of those on the tram, please back up to the other side of the station!" Adam's voice was booming and quite able to be heard over the noise of station and the teams moving into place. Many responded to his request and backed up away from the area. "Thank you." He nodded at them.

The Chief looked around again, but no one was speaking up to volunteer being the DC on-site team leader. "Alright," he said, loudly enough to be heard by those on the platform, "Until the DCA gets here, I'm taking lead on this. We have a situation with a derailed tram car, down there..." he pointed off to his right, down-station "thirty decks. Most of the area between here and there is in microgravity. Does anyone know where to depower the tram rail?"

Quinn looked up. Standing not far from Tayang, she called out, "I do. It'll take a few minutes to reach the junction, but I can do it. Just on that deck? Or do you want it off a deck above and below as well?"

Chief Tayang focused on the young petty officer. "Ideally? Everything from here to the next station. We don't know where else the line might be malfunctioning, and I don't want my team to get zapped trying to get to the tram."

"I'm on it," Jin Kyung replied. "Maybe 15 minutes, then, and from here to 742 will be shut down. With the changes the Besm have brought below that, I think their decks of the tram have their own shut down." She headed for the closest Jeffries tube for the climb to the control box.

"To all and any Starfleet personnel on Platform 700, this is Commander Locke," Mikaela's voice echoed over the comm, although barely audible above the chaos. "Lieutenant Baro, medical personnel, damage control and search and rescue have all been dispatched and will be with you shortly. Who's on-scene at the moment?"

Michaels arrived with additional Security personnel, who he dispatched to various areas to marshal the crowds. Morgan's team, he saw, had already begun setting up their barricades and signs to reroute foot traffic and keep the way clear for the medics. Only after checking all of that did he look up to study the tram. Michaels winced. The tram carriage was jammed in between the roofing of the tramway and the track, at an angle to the other carriage of its pair, which still hung from its track.

He heard Commander Locke's voice over the intercom and tapped his combadge. "Michaels here, with security teams doing crowd control. Folks are behaving, so far."

Thank you, Lieutenant,” Locke replied, “Keep us in the loop. Ops is standing by if you need anything else.

Alora came jogging up with the a bulk of the Damage Control Team, "Damned blockage at sub station 34A, I've been following..." She held up her arm mounted computer console, "I've already rerouted tram traffic but..." She paused as an updated report came over her system, "Right Quinn is on shutting off power; great," she said, relieved. Making a metal note to remember the initiative.

She looked at Adam, "Current Status?" she asked as the team behind her rechecked their gear and secured equipment on themselves. She herself wore a climbing harness, like the others, environmental equipment and a portage repair kit. She'd sent for a few antigrav boots but they weren't here yet.

"Just getting started. The teams are moving into place and Chief Tayang has taken temporary control to get things ready." Adam filled her in. "I'd like to make the climb with you. I'm fully certified...and my sister's in there." He nodded to the dog. "Oscar's fully trained in rescue functions and," he paused, not willing to say the words, "Recovery."

The thudding of boots could be heard and felt through the deck plating. Moments later, a 13-man squad of Marines in rescue gear approached. The squad leader glanced about and picked out Baro Alora by her rank pips as being the officer in charge. He snapped off a quick salute to her. "Sgt. Katdare, squad leader of SAR Team 1," he said. "We have orders to assist if needed but were told things are pretty much in hand. We're on standby for you, Ma'am. We can provide relief for people already here when they tire."

Alora turned, "Right thank you Sargent, this is an all hands on deck operation. I want to get the initial recon going so we can determine exactly what we need. Can you organize a staging area here for the teams and the injured? Be ready, I don't know what we'll find down there."

Baro looked at Adam, "Two questions, is your dog trained specifically in micro gravity and climbing? And can you focus? I need a teammate not a distraught brother." She said not unkindly but she could almost hear the clock ticking loudly in her mind. It was telling her to move, move, move so her voice was somewhat brisk.

"Oscar had intensive training in all fields of rescue," Adam assured her. "And I went through five years of training in SAR protocols. I know how to keep my emotions in check." He assured her. "There are twenty-seven people, children down there. We aren't done until the last one is out."

Alora nodded and after a searching moment responding, "Alright then, let's go."

(Junction Control Box, Deck 710)

Within minutes of arriving at the electrical supply controls for the tram line, Kin-Jyung had shut down all but the master switch. "You'd think this would be less complicated," she muttered as she checked that everything was as it should be. Her final check was that no trams were running on any of the decks involved in the shut down.

Tapping her com badge, she said, "Chief Petty Officer Tayang, all lines are stopped on decks 700 through 742. Shutting down electricity in 3 ... 2 ... 1." She flipped the switch to the off position. "All electricity shut down on decks 700 through 742. Returning to staging area." Quinn made sure all her tools were back in her pack and turned to climb up the ten decks she'd recently slid down so quickly. Gotta figure out a way to slide up, she thought with amusement.

"Thank you, Petty Officer Quinn," the Chief responded. He looked around at the others in the medical team, nodded. "Let's go." The advance team were all wearing Crew Maneuvering System (CMS) packs, secured with carbon-carbon lines to reels secured to the platform. The group hopped off the end of the platform, running a few meters before going free. They activated the CMS thrusters and moved down-station, their path lit only by the deck lights coming through the transparent walls of the tramway.


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