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Disney Woes

Posted on Wed 23rd Jan, 2019 @ 7:33pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

950 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Disney Inc. HQ; CEO Office

Leah tossed the latest report of Pirate activity onto the top of her desk and let out a long sigh before standing up in her chair and walking to the large window that overlooked the property and most of Trivoli Gardens, crossing her arms in the process. Those damn pirates had shadowed one of her freighters towards the base.

Her comm badge chirped alive. "Ms. Jamison, Bob and June Wheeler are here to see you in regards to sleeping on Headquarters property," came the feminine, yet stoic voice of T'Val--her secretary.

Disney Security had caught the younger couple sleeping on some benches on her property earlier in the morning and she wanted to confront the couple personally. "Send them in, and please inform Captain Walder of the SS Epcot that he is fired. I will not have a captain on my payroll that allows two pirate fighters to get into his sensor's blind spot."

"Understood, Ms. Jamison."

Upon hearing the door to her office open, she turned to see a human male and human female, both with brown hair, dressed in ragged clothes and slouched over as they walked. "Oh good grief," she muttered to herself. "Mr and Mrs. Wheeler, it's good to have you," she said louder and more diplomatically.

Bob Wheeler nodded slightly. "Ma'am. It sure is good to meet such a smart and beautiful woman as yourself. And might I add those benches of yours are mighty comfortable."

"So, " Leah began picking up another PaDD on her desk that contained information about the two, "you're from the Setlik Three Colony? Why are you homeless on a Starbase?" Leah questioned.

"Well, we're not really from Setlik Three, ma'am," June admitted with a shamed look on her face. "We perjured ourselves."

"And we lied to," Bob interrupted, as Leah raised an amused eyebrow. "We're really from the Mary Posey Colony."

'Mary Posey?' Leah thought--she had never heard of the name. 'Oh! Mariposa Colony!'

"Well," Bob Wheeler continued. "We lost everything we had when those Orions attacked our transport. Poor mema."

"Who is mema?" Leah questioned.

"Oh, that's what Bob calls his mother, may she rest in peace," June explained. "We had her cremated...and well the pirate looked into mema's urn and load and behold, poor mema must have made that Orion sneeze and poof, poor mema covered that orion's face and spilled onto the floor."

Leah slightly shook her head in disbelief at the couple standing before her but felt sorry for them. "Look, I'll have my secretary, T'Val set you up with some quarters to stay in and if you want I believe I can hire you to work a food vender station in the Trivoli Gardens."

"Why you sure are a kind lady," June replied, managing to smile.

"Don't let it get out," Leah grinned. "You're free to leave and you start work tomorrow at 0900."

"Thank you again, ma'am," Bob said before turning to June. "Come on, June. I can't wait to take a shower."

"Me too, our place aboard the transport smelled like the back end of a skunk with diaherra," June replied as the two exited the office, leaving Leah with a horrified look.

After a moment, Leah composed herself and opened her comm channel. "Leah Jamison to Colonel Wellington."

'Wellington here. What can I do for you Ms. Jamison?"

"Could you please stop by my office? I have some concerns," Leah explained.

There was a momentary pause. "I'll be there shortly. Wellington, out."

A few minutes later, Leah's comm came to life. "Ms. Jamison, Colonel Wellington is here," came T'Val's voice.

"Send her in," Leah said, standing from her desk and taking a few steps in front of her desk, waitong for Wellington to enter.

A moment later, the doors slid open to reveal Wellington as she appraoched Leah.

"I'm glad you could make it, colonel. May I get you anything?"

"No thank you," Wellington replied as she clasped her hands behind her back. "What did you need to talk to me about?" Though Brooklyn had an idea that it involved pirate activity. It was no secret aboard the base that Leah was not happy with the pirate situation.

"I understand that you detected and killed two pirate fighters shadowing one of my freighters on their return to the starbase," Leah stated, crossing her arms.

"Yes. They appeared to have gotten into the freighter's sensor blind spot and my wingman and I engaged them," Wellington reported.

"I also want you to know that frankly, I am sick and tired of pirates harassing, attacking, and destroying my freighters," Leah began sternly. "Too many lives, familines, ships, and profits have been lost to these assholes. I have captains threatening to leave or refuse to go out on runs."

Wellington sighed--the loss of family seemed to bother her the most before she was handed a holopicture of a little girl with an older Trill male.

"That is the late Captain Tenali. He was on a return trip, having missed his daughter's birthday whe Pirates attacked the freighter. He was killed in the attack," Leah clarified.

Anger burned within Wellington as she handed the holo-picture back. Something had to be done--they could no longer stand on the sideline and play defense. It was time to go on the offense and end this threat. "I'll be in touch in a day or so, Ms. Jamison." Wellington spun on her heel and walked briskly out of the office. "Wellingto to Major Cassidy and Captain Beck. Meet me in my office in ten minutes. Wellington, out."

Leah grinned, knowing she had set Wellington on the warpath and have mercy on anyone who dared to get in her way.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 24th Jan, 2019 @ 10:57pm

That felt like being a little girl getting to go to a double feature. What characters that couple are! And now I am anticipating great things from the flight portion of the base. Nicely done, both of you!