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Faith in Lies.

Posted on Fri 3rd May, 2019 @ 6:37am by Lieutenant Alexia Redding

544 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Redding's Quarters
Timeline: MD 3: 2200

Alexia stood staring at the wedding notification that shed been sent. With her heart racing, she caressed the delicate filagree raised on the shiny ivory paper. The young doctor looked as if someone had slapped her. Once she regained her composure her fingers danced across the screen before her, calling the comm station of one Cassiopia Redding- Earth.

"Connection can be made, voice only at this time. Visual will be avaliable upon completion of connection." the computer voice spoke.

"That's fine, please make the connection"

"Hey Al-"

"Is it true?" Alexia's voice was hard and tight as she cut off her sister before she could even finish her greeting.

"Is what true Lexi?"

"Dont call me Lexi!!" Alexia snarled at her sister

"Then don't cut me off like you were raised with no manners!" The other woman snarled back and the video popped on. Two pairs of identical eyes stared at one another in challenge, like lions circling an antelope they both wanted to eat.

"Did he get married without telling me?"

"He did. They eloped Alexia, he didn't want to make a fuss and he didn't want our Mother or his to object."

"And what if I object?"

"You left him at the altar Alexia, you lost your right to object when you did that."

Alexia wilted a bit, and raked her fingers through short hair. It wasn't fair that she'd left him to find her happiness and he'd managed to find his before she did. Of course everything in her life had crumbled except her career, which was blooming before her eyes. Chewing her lip she heaved a sigh. "Are they happy?"

"I haven't seen them honestly, but if you want me to ask for you I will."

"Gods no I don't want you to ask for me. I do want to know."

"Well what exactly do you want?" Cassiopia was genuinely interested in her sister's response.

The violet streaks in her ebony hair trembled as she shook her head "I want what I've always wanted...but that doesn't mean that I don't...I mean...damn it." Alexia hid her face with one elegantly manicured hand, the festive wedding notice still in it. He wasn't supposed to fall in love. He was supposed to come back to me when he came to his senses. He was supposed to come here with me.. "I have my spa now. I don't need anything else."

"I think you're kidding yourself Alexia, but it's your life. You'll live it how you want. You always have. Come see us sometime huh? You haven't been home in 10 years and mother is starting to worry you've been lost in space." The smile was clear in her voice, as the sound of dishes began to pass over the comm line.

"Wasn't that an ancient television show?"

"Geek" The amused affection had returned to Cassiopia's voice, even as she continued to prepare breakfast.

"Always and forever." Alexia managed a wan smile before she twiddled her fingers at the screen. The call winked out, and the screen returned to the faint UFP symbol in black on grey. Once more, Alexia closed her eyes and muttered "I don't need anything more. My spa opens tomorrow. I have everything I ever wanted."


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 7th May, 2019 @ 5:33pm

Oh, I look forward to the opening of that spa! I might have to come there on a day off soon - surely one of my characters needs the spa treatment!