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An Overdue Conversation II

Posted on Thu 24th Jan, 2019 @ 10:28pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

1,004 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Intelligence Department, Damion Ildaran's Office
Timeline: MD-18, 1445 hours

(Damion and Daneel)

Damion returned his attention to the video recording. "Computer, create a report listing the identities of all known Aenar who've boarded and/or departed Starbase 109 within seven standard days before and after the final time stamp of the recording now playing. Send it to my computer."

(And now the continuation)

"Working," Damion's computer said. Moments later, a report appeared on his screen consisting of two names.

"Well, two people," Damion said to Daneel. "I'm amazed even one came here. Computer, provide images and demographic information for the two Aenar listed in the report your just created."

Quickly accessing his own database of information on the Aenar, Danell said, "I wonder if they could use make-up to appear Andorian. It would seem like a natural disguise, if they wanted one. I don't actually have an imagination, but I can't ... uh, predict? Maybe that's the word. Predict a reason for them to be on a starbase. Historically, they're secretive and ... not all that social, I think. There is the telepathy, however."

"You've enough imagination to imagine that they might use make-up," Damion pointed out. "It's a logical stretch, but it's still a stretch--and it's the useful sort of thinking. I could come up with reasons all day long why and how an Aenar might show up here, and most of them would be entirely useless and a waste of time. I've my flights of fancy, but I prefer efficiency of thought." Damion gave Daneel an amused look. "Possibly to make up for my own inefficiency of it."

Another report appeared on Damion's computer screen showing images. "Well, here's our fellow," Damion said and turned his computer screen so Daneel could see it. "Ah'ras Nelet--presuming that's his real name, of course."

"Well, that's a mouthful," Daneel remarked, having picked up the saying and its meaning from a customer at the restaurant. He peered at the screen, comparing what he saw to the memories in his database. "Yes, that's a definite match, though ... sort of strange, but his ears seem a little lower in your photograph. Or ... maybe it's the hairline? Something seems off ...."

He copied the photo on the computer and overlaid it with the one in his database. Shaking his head, he said, "It's him, but he's changed something in his appearance. His forehead is the problem, it's actually shorter now than your computer is showing. Is it even possible to change so basic a structure?" He looked at the Intelligence Officer, seeming perplexed.

"No..." Damion said. "You're telling me that his forehead is shorter in the more recent image--the one from Orchids and Jazz?"

"Right, and this is a shortcoming in my programming that I'm going to have to address. I can't show you a holographic projection, but if you overlay the image from Orchids & Jazz on the one you just showed me, I think you can manipulate them to see what I see on my internal system. I hope I'm making sense. This is all new territory to me," Daneel apologized.

"Then we need to determine which is the real Ah'ras Nelet. Computer." Damion turned his head slightly to actually look at the device. "Pull all identity card images of Federation citizen Ah'ras Nelet since he reached adulthood to the current date, and run a comparative analysis of them. Ascertain if all of the identity card images are consistent in terms of craniofacial anatomy."

Damion turned back to face Daneel again. "That will tell us if the difference in forehead height is real or perhaps is due to hairstyle--and it will give us documentation to assert that the person who visited here is an impostor. Once I know that, I can alert authorities on Andor."

Daneel nodded, processing their whole conversation faster than humanly possible, and filing several things away for consideration later, and possible discussion with one or more of his counterparts. "How long will that analysis take?" he asked.

"I would say within the hour but possibly as much as a day, depending on how quickly we can access the Andorian identity database. The computer core here is good, but its subspace connection is no miracle worker. Even subspace transmissions take time, and information requests to planetary authorities have to be prioritized. Just because we think it's important doesn't mean they will."

Damion let out a breath, leaned back in his chair, and eyed Daneel. "So--You looked a bit confused when you came in here. Is it possible that the things we've discussed just now might have eased your confusion--or possibly given you more questions?"

"Confused?" Daneel asked, checking his database. "Oh, no, that was just that you look vaguely like someone else. Not important, really." He got to his feet, "I don't have any questions right now, but maybe you'll let me know when you hear back from someone? I'm not human and can't say I'm curious, but I do like my files to be orderly and have endings. Especially mysteries. Let me know if you think I can help in any other way, too. This has been ..." he searched for the word that a human would use. "I guess you'd say it's been interesting. Think of it as some electrically excited little neurons racing around in here." He tapped his forehead, where his main data processor was housed.

Well... All right, Damion thought. After all, he wasn't technically supposed to blow his own covers. "I appreciated your help. Thank you for it," he said and stood as well, extending a hand to shake Daneel's. "You and your team noticed something that I doubt many others would have noticed, and I believe it is a useful lead in this case. I'd be delighted to ask for your help again and hope you'll be willing to work with me. Should you ever want to consider a career in Intelligence, do talk to me."

Damion wondered if Daneel would notice the subtleties in the phrasing of his last sentence and suspected the man would--eventually.


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