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An Overdue Conversation

Posted on Sun 23rd Dec, 2018 @ 9:10am by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

882 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Intelligence Department, Damion Ildaran's Office
Timeline: MD-18, 1430

Leaning forward, his information-gathering program activated, Olivaw shrugged and replied, "It was all of us, really. You know we have the ability to merge our databases? It makes us ... not stronger, exactly ... more efficient might be the best human description." He wondered if it were possible that a humaniform might be useful in the intelligence field. He made a program note to discuss it with the others.

"I don't know if Dr. Anderson mentioned that to me or not; I don't recall it, if she did," Damion said. "It's fascinating to learn of, though. And I promise to be discreet about it."

Daneel observed all that the intelligence officer did, but didn't interrupt his concentration. He wondered how a biological lifeform kept up with all the criminals there might be in a given place or time period. There, he would be a distinct advantage, because his database would store everything and bring it up in nanoseconds, making comparisons quickly, without resorting to external help. On the other hand, I can't make intuitive leaps of judgment and only sometimes connect things that don't seem related. Ildaron has the advantage there. As he waited, he continued to think of advantages and disadvantages of being biological ... or at least human ... or being his own kind of artificial intelligence. It was good practice for his still relatively new brain and data processing system.

Daneel's recording began to play, and Damion concentrated on it, studying what Zelda Alegari had done during her visit to Orchids and Jazz.

Both of them watched the recording, strangely clear and sharp as they saw Zelda walk into the jazz club, be escorted to a seat mid-way across the room. She looked around and moved to sit on the side facing toward the platform stage. It was casually done, as if she chose to watch the small dance floor and the musicians. Silently, the two of them saw the small jumps as the view switched from one to another of the cameras or the views from the six humaniform recordings.

The server left, reappeared with the meal, came back to fill a water glass and chatted for mere seconds. They watched the meal being consumed and at the end, when the combo came back from a break, the woman's head moved in time to the music. Her plates were removed, and she apparently refused dessert. Sitting and listening to the music, there came a moment when her body tensed slightly. It could easily have been missed, had they not been watching so closely. The woman picked up her water glass, drained it, and relaxed against the comfortable leather seating.

"The part I was talking about is coming up soon," Daneel said quietly.

Damion nodded. "That was quite a reaction," he said as he made a note of the time-stamp. "I presume she saw another guest being seated at that point." He made another note, this time about lifting the water glass and drinking from it. "She doesn't look terribly glad to see the person." What she did look, though, was neutral, as if she were concentrating but trying not to show it.

"Now that's something we missed. We're good on overall details, and some minutiae, but we're still learning to read human expressions. And it isn't easy with some of the ones cast our way," the AI said. "I'll file that expression under "not happy to see you" and share that with the others." He made his own notes, but in his database about this whole situation. He hadn't decided whether he wanted to gain any human qualities, but they were certainly interesting to study.

"She doesn't look unhappy to see the person," Damion explained, "but neither does she look glad. She looks... business-like, to me, as if she's preparing for something."

Olivaw nodded and made an adjustment to his note.

The recording continued, and from it Damion concluded that Daneel and his fellow AIs had narrowed the likely focus of Zelda Alegari's attention to three possible tables in Orchids & Jazz. The first, he dismissed right away. Its occupants were a couple of Caitian women who seemed completely absorbed in each other. The second table's occupant was an Aenar, Damion noticed with surprise. "Poor blighter must've been melting in there," he muttered under his breath. The third table's occupant was a human male who was giving Zelda an interested look.

Zelda was not returning the interest, though, Damion thought as he replayed that section of the recording. Finally, he leaned back in his chair. "It's the Aenar she's paying attention to," he said. "The Aenar doesn't look the least interested in her, but as he's blind, he wouldn't. He doesn't know where she's sitting. He's a telepath, though, so he knows she's there. I'd not be surprised if they were holding an entire conversation during this time." He glanced at Daneel. "If you could, please find out for me if the Aenar bloke also paid in latinum. I suspect he did."

Daneel nodded his understanding.

Damion returned his attention to the video recording. "Computer, create a report listing the identities of all known Aenar who've boarded and departed Starbase 109 within seven standard days before and after the final time stamp of the recording now playing. Send it to my computer."


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