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Married Couple's Lung Slices

Posted on Thu 10th Jan, 2019 @ 2:13am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark
Edited on on Thu 10th Jan, 2019 @ 2:16am

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Pearl With a Chainsaw, Deck 666
Timeline: MD 15, 2200

As he and Serena were ushered through the upper level of the restaurant to a table, Andrew took in the size and attention to detail of the restaurant. This being the first time inside the multi-level establishment, he took note of the intricate wall artistry, ancient symbols and various displays that Andrew felt confident accurately depicted the traditions of the Earth Asian influence the restaurant was based on. Eventually they were escorted to a table for two along a wooden balcony, overlooking the lower level.

Taking their seats, Andrew gave another scan of the room before looking across the table at Serena and grinned, "If they put as much time in the cuisine here as they do the atmosphere, I think I may have to start coming here consistently, whatever deck it's on."

Serena agreed. "I've always liked the atmosphere, the background music which isn't intrusive, but just enough different to catch my attention now and then. And the gardens. I'll leave you to judge the food for yourself, but I don't think you'll be disappointed."

Andrew nodded, "I'm sure I won't." Seeing one of the servers coming over to their table, he quickly leaned over, "Do you have any recommendations so I don't look like a total fool while ordering?"

Nodding her head, Serena said, "There are some things everyone likes. Let's find out if there's anything special tonight, first."

Besm were often seen by off-worlders as "cute," probably because the size of their eyes induced a sense of neoteny for many species. The young woman in the opalescent Ao Dai who approached their table was no exception. Her neon-orange hair and pert, up-turned nose combined with her slight smile gave her the smallest air of mischief. "Good evening, gentlefolk," she greeted the couple. "I am Jagged, and I'll be your waitress tonight. Have you had an opportunity to look over your menus?"

Thankfully Andrew served with a Besm clone at his last posting, otherwise he, and probably Serena, would have caught himself staring longer than normal at their waitress. Instead he gave a polite nod and smile in return, "Thank you. And only briefly. Do you happen to have any specials tonight?" looking at Serena, "Hopefully that will make our decisions easier."

"Tonight's special is 夫婦の肺スライス, the 'Married Couple's Lung Slices.' I know many humans have an issue with eating organ meats, so please allow me to assure you that, despite the name, no actual lung is in the dish." Jagged Ripper smiled serenely, then went on, "And for the appetizer, may I suggest 馬に乗る悪魔, 'Devils on Horseback'? It's dried fruit wrapped in bacon and mashed potatoes, then deep-fried."

Serena lifted an eyebrow toward Andrew in question. "I'm game if you are. Or one of us can order both of those, and the other can order something else, and we share. Portions here are generous enough to share a bit of each." She couldn't exactly imagine anything that would fit "Married Couple's Lung Slices" and hoped that, at worst, it was fish.

Andrew nodded in agreement with Serena and looked at Jagged, "Your suggestions sound good to me," adding with a smile looking back to Serena, "At least this will be an interesting dinner right?"

"With you, it always is," the woman laughed. She looked to their server. "I guess we'll have both of those, and whatever you call sweet and sour chicken, too."

As the server nodded and departed, Andrew took a sip from the glass of water that was in front of him and focused his attention back on Serena. He decided it was time to be a little more direct and not as vague as he'd been the past and cleared his throat, "You know, besides the facts that we both enjoy watching a game of tetraball and a good old-fashioned spy thriller, we don't know too much about each other all things considered, don't you think?"

Serena met his look, wondering where he was going with this. "I suppose that's true, though I also know you like to eat," she laughed. "Here's a little known fact for you. I have a twin sister."

Andrew shrugged, "I've been conditioned to enjoy a good meal from a young age. And you mentioned a sister before, but not a twin," adding playfully with a touch of seriousness in his voice, "She hasn't visited the Starbase recently has she?"

Serena laughed and asked, "Why? Did you think I behaved in a markedly different way? But no, she hasn't been here ever, actually. Anyway, she's dyed her hair bright red since she was about 13, and she plays in a band, to this day, that no one who is sane wants to listen to. You would notice the differences even without the red-flag hair. Do you have brothers? Or sisters, for that matter."

He nodded, "Not at all. I'm just covering my bases so I don't make a bigger fool of myself. And I think the most important part of being in a band is enjoying the music you play," shrugging again, he grinned, "But holding an audience is a key factor I suppose, but I think you may be over exaggerating. I'm sure some people enjoy listening to them."

"Sane people, Andrew, sane people," Alia repeated, remembering the last time she'd been forced to listen to her sister's band rehearsing. "Trust me on this."

Taking another sip of water, Andrew continued, "I do have one younger sister, Michelle, but I don't think there's any chance of you running into her soon. She hasn't left the Sol system in her life believe it or not." As Andrew finished the thought, he wasn't sure if he even believed the last part. It had been some time since he thought about just how far he had gotten from her and his family.

"Huh. Astrophobia? Kenophobia? Or ... simply no desire to leave home? It is hard to imagine, but, then, I live out here among multiple thousands of people who have all left their planets of origin. Here, it seems natural. Staying on a planet ... maybe it doesn't seem so natural?" Serena asked. "But you're just the opposite. You've been on ships moving through the void of space. If your sister were here, she might well feel that it was planet-like and not feel ... I don't know, lost in space?"

Their conversation was interrupted as the food arrived. "Oh, this smells heavenly!" Serena said, taking a deep breath of the aroma.

Andrew smiled as the appetizer was placed in front of them, looking at the deep fried fruit presented in the bowl in the center of the table. They each grabbed one and Andrew took a bite. He nodded in approval and looked at Serena doing the same, "Not bad, huh?"


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