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A Wicked Place to Eat

Posted on Fri 23rd Nov, 2018 @ 2:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark
Edited on on Thu 10th Jan, 2019 @ 2:18am

928 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Orchids and Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 15 2130

Andrew smiled at the woman seated next to him, thankful that she was still smiling back at him. Of all the ways he played the conversation in his head, he couldn't have asked for a better end result. As he finished his drink, Andrew finally noticed the long pause between them as he replayed the last few moments in his mind and shook his head to snap out of it, "Well, I can't tell you how relieved I am right now. I have a habit of expecting the worst in certain situations."

"You drifted off there for a minute. I thought maybe you were asleep on your feet, as the saying goes," Serena said. "I know of very few people who expect the best in moments of unknowing. Jade is one, Reon sort of tends that way." She paused and rubbed her hand on a spot in the wood of the bar. It was part of the wood design, and she couldn't feel it through the layers of finish and polish. She looked up and met his gaze. "I'm more like you, though."

He nodded, "Well to that end, let me apologize again for leaving you in the dark then. I'm glad I had time to gather the courage to say something," shrugging, "although I'm not sure I deserved it. Thankfully, I had a little pep talk recently that brought me to my senses." He made a mental note to thank Commander McCord the next time he saw her.

Looking down at his empty glass and then around the restaurant, Andrew asked, "You sure you can't be persuaded for a drink or something to eat? I'm sure the rest of staff can handle the rest of the evening right? Besides, I think I owe you something more than just barging into your place of work."

Serena laughed and said, "Maybe, but I'm in charge here until ... oh, look at that! I'm getting off in exactly 5 minutes ago! So what did you have in mind? Dinner and dancing at Orchids & Jazz, perhaps?"

Not quite sure he followed the timeline Serena went by, Andrew just smiled and kept his confusion to himself, "Well I think I would need a few more of these drinks before I would embarrass myself on the dance floor, so how about a dinner? Besides, we can get to know each other a little better. "

Serena nodded, "I'd like that, but maybe not here. I feel like I'm in a fishbowl and everyone is watching us. How do you feel about Asian food? What about Pearl With a Chainsaw? I know it's an odd name but the food is great, and the atmosphere is friendly. You wouldn't have to dance. Or do you have another favorite place? Don't you tell me you've been trying out other restaurants," she teased him.

He nodded, "I can appreciate that. And I'm always willing to try something new," pausing. "As long as I don't have to dance. Can't say that I've had a lot of Asian cuisine recently or growing up. I've really only been here and to Pub 10-42 to meet an old friend. So no, not really," adding as he rose from his seat to follow her, "I get the feeling you've dabbled though."

As she led him through the tables and out the door into the promenade, Serena nodded. "Oh, yes, I am a real fan of anything that resembles Asian - sweet and sour, teriyaki, vegetables, brown sauce, white sauce, plum sauce, I like them all. Pearl's is my favorite of what's here on the station. Actually, I think Pearl's is my favorite from anywhere in the galaxy I've tried Asian food! I think we can find something you like."

As he fell into step beside her, she laughed. "Of course, you have to deal with superstition to go there. It's on Deck 666. A lot of businesses are, but I've run into quite a few people who won't go on that deck. They're fine with 333 and 999 and 222 and 777 ... just not 666. There's some ancient superstition that it's an evil number, but really? How can a number be evil? Unless I wind up with a negative credit balance. Now that's my idea of evil!"

"Well you don't have to worry about me with superstitions. I've never subscribed to the thought of a number representing some sort of demon trying to tempt us to evil," grinning, he continued. "Although I do know some who take it a little more seriously. It can be fun to stir the pot every once in a while for a reaction. Don't worry, I'm not mean enough to take it any further than the occasional sarcastic comment."

Continuing down the Promenade, Andrew asked, "Do you think that's why they chose to put the restaurant on Deck 666? That has to be a conversation starter for almost anyone. Plus that's a good way to spread the word around the Starbase."

"Especially for a place called Pearl With a Chainsaw! I'm sure that causes a lot of comment among humanoids who know what a chainsaw is and the superstitions about 666. But once you taste the food, all that goes out the window, trust me. The garden downstairs is amazing, too." They arrived at the turbolift and stepped in to be whisked down six more decks.

They walked down the wide corridors of the Promenade and arrived shortly at the entrance to the restaurant. Serena grinned at him and said, "And now you're in for a real treat. Plus the bonus of my company!"


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