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Needing support

Posted on Fri 21st Sep, 2018 @ 5:10pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington & Khellian s'Siedhri MD

2,141 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Wellington's Quarters
Timeline: Before Returning to Duty

Wellington down a large sip of water from her water bottle. Her physical therapy was going as well as could be expected. With everything going on, she wanted--no, needed someone to talk to. Her mind drifted to Khellian--she hadn't seen him since their breakfast date just before her encounter with the pirate. There had been times that she wanted to call him, to visit him but she was afraid he wouldn't want to be with her now. Even with a new arm, she felt handicapped and going to physical therapy reinforced those thoughts.

Khellian in the meantime had the woman hed met a few days previous on his mind a great deal. "Computer, what is an appropriate gift for a human female with whom you have some romantic intrest?"

The tinny voice of the computer replied "There are many traditional gifts, small trinkets, stuffed toys, meals, chocolates, flowers, jewelry..."

"Hold. What flowers?"

"The rose is the most traditional."

It took only a few minutes to find the listing for the florist and arrange for a trio of roses to be sent to her. To send a singular flower was considered rude in Romulan culture. One yellow with red edges, one that was striped and dotted with red pink and white, and one a deep purply red. They would be in a round vase.

Wellington readied her fighter as her hands poised on her flight stick and throttle, waiting for the sensor beep to indicate the Orion had dropped his cloak. She knew with his ego, he would want to make the kill at a close range--his mistake. Then there was the beep. In a split second, Wellington, flipped her fighter and engaged the warp engines as the Orion fired a barrage of Disruptor fire. Too late, the Orion realized his mistake and yet, in that split second, he had no time to think, to act. "Shit..." was all the time he barely had to utter before Wellington's fighter sliced his fighter in two. The impact seemed to freeze time to Wellington as she felt herself weightless on impact, being held by her harness. It was as if all time had stopped briefly as her fighter collided with the Orion's. Wellington barely registered the computer initiating the auto eject procedure as her vision turned red and then to black...and nothing.

Wellington jerked awake as sweat soaked her PT uniform. Her breathing was heavy as she registered a buzzing sound at her door. "Coming!" she called, getting up off of the sofa and making her way to the door. She opened it to reveal a man holding a round vase of flowers. "Yes?"

"Colonel Wellington?" the young man asked.

"That's me."

"I have a delivery for you," he offered the flowers. ", thank you," she said taking the vase with her good hand as the young man nodded and smiled before leaving. The flowers were beautiful and she set them down on a nearby table, spotting a small card among the flowers. She pulled the small white card out and smiled at the name: Khellian s'Siedhri, M.D. "Computer, open a channel to Mr. Khellian s'Siedhri.

There was a chirp indicating the channel was open. "Thank you for the flowers, Khellian," Wellington said with a smile.

"Ah, you received them. Very good. " The shy smile in his voice could be clearly heard. " I hope their colors are pleasing."

"Very," Wellington replied. She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Would you care to visit?"

"I would like that." He answered quietly and glanced at his appearance. Blue and silver robes were more than appropriate. "It will take me some time to make my way to your quarters."

Wellington looked at her sweaty outfit. "That's ok. I need to freshen up anyways. See you soon. Wellington, out."

It took Khellian about 8 minutes to transverse the station and find her quarters. He pressed the chime, but his sharp ears could hear the shower running.

Wellington stopped the shower upon hearing the door chime. "Dammit!" she cursed as she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. "Come in!" She poked her head out into the main room to see Khellian. 'Yep, still handsome,' she thought with a smile. "Sorry, I got sidetracked but I'll be out soon."

His green eyes passed appreciatively over her dripping wet form wrapped in a towel. "Would it be impolite to ask if you need help?" He was only half joking- but expecting her to reject that particular advance.

"No, but thank you," she called from the lavatory. "I'm slowly getting better at griping things and using my arm again." Her mind wondered briefly at allowing Khellian to help her. "Please make yourself at home," she said, as she began to dry herself off.

Using her arm again? Clearly something had happened and he accessed the holonews for the station. Apparently, the Colonel was a hero for having flown her fighter into an orion pirate. She'd nearly died. He looked displeased, turned off the PADD and walked to the replicator to order a bitter lemon.

Having sufficiently dried herself off, she donned a casual blue/white summer dress. She then entered the living area, smiling at Khellian but soon noticed his frown. "Is everything alright?"

Her voice pulled his attention from the drink that was very much like something he'd enjoyed as a child. When his eyes rested upon her, he couldn't help the sweep over her body they made. Approaching her slowly he raised his fingers to caress her cheek. "Everything is fine now I would say."

The touch made Brooklyn grin but she looked at the man for a moment. He hadn't been there while she was recovering...could it have been possible he hadn't known? She thought everyone aboard the station had known about her incident. "Did you know I was injured?" she asked.

"Not until this moment. While people have been talking about the brave Marine, none in my hearing have named you. If they had I assure you my reaction would have been very different." He cradled her cheek in the palm of his hand, and could feel the barest hint that all was not well beneath the surface.

"So is that what's bothering you?" Brooklyn said, enjoying his touch. "That I was injured? Or that you just found out?"

"A little of both." Khellian admitted, though more of the latter because he felt a bit guilty that her recovery was not aided by him.

"Don't," Brooklyn said softly, taking a hold of his hand and leading him to the nearby sofa. "It's not your fault and the important thing is that you're here now. I just want you to realize that me being injured is always a possibility in my line of work," she finished as she sat down on the sofa.

"I know your job is dangerous." He said chuckling softly "I have found that life is dangerous. I do not have to like it however, but I accept it as fact."

"Good," Brooklyn said, relieved that Khellian wasn't upset about her risking her life. "The bouquet you sent was beautiful by the way."

"I am pleased you liked it," he settled down and rested his hand atop hers. " So why don't you tell me what you did to be the talk of the station?"

Brooklyn sighed. "Well, I engaged a Orion fighter, equipped with a cloaking device after he destroyed four other fighters. During the engagement, my fighter was damaged and...I turned into him suddenly and engaged my warp engines, ramming my fighter into his since my weapon systems were damaged."

"You rammed him on purpose?" He asked to clarify a point, with a look of pain deep in his eyes as she spoke. He hoped not for surely she would have expected not to live.

Brooklyn nodded solemnly as she recalled the investigative reports. "My weapons were gone and the pirate was moving in for the kill. I figured if I was going to die, I would at least take him with me. No...I didn't expect to live, but somehow, I survived the impact and ejection, most likely because I didn't collide head on and my fighter was traveling faster than light while his was almost stationary. The emergency beam out system failed and my fighter initiated the secondary ejection system."

Khellian tensed as he heard her say that she hadn't expected to live, and his hand tightened on hers. Instead of saying anything, he simply moved closer to her and slid his arm around her shoulders.

"And now they want to throw some big awards ceremony for what I did," she stated with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"And you object to such accolades?" He asked his voice mildly curious, though he suspected he knew the reason why she didn't want to be recognized for such a thing. The article he'd skimmed indicated other Marines that lost their lives in fighting this foe.

"I'm not a hero," Brooklyn explained. "I simply did my job."

"People tend to believe differently when someone nearly dies protecting their safety," Khellian countered gently.

"Well, there are eight other Marines who did die for their safety," Brooklyn said somberly, recalling the eight young Marines she'd lost. "I was simply lucky."

"They will be hailed as heroes too." He said softly, and stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles. "You may have been lucky, but that doesn't diminish the impact of what you did."

"Yeah, I suppose...listen to me complain when I should be glad you're here," Brooklyn replied. "So where is your daughter?"

"You are allowed to complain, and I for one am glad to hear you complain." Once more his fingertips caressed her cheek. "Makila is exploring Tivoli gardens, and having a grand time of it."

"Hopefully she won't get lost. The Gardens is a big area," Brooklyn commented. "And thank you for allowing me to vent some."

"She's a capable woman." Khellian answered without a second of thought and then responded to the second thing she'd said "And it's my pleasure. You can vent at me at any time."

"Thank you, but no. I should be a better host," Brooklyn replied before kissing his hand that was caressing her cheek softly.

"And just why precisely is that my dear?" He asked smiling at her, raising his eyebrow in a vulcanesque gesture. "I am perfectly comfortable right here with you."

"Because I'm placing my stress onto you and it's not fair," Brooklyn said softly.

"Please don't let a sense of guilt stop you from sharing with me. It is misguided, and I am honored you would share. " A gentle smile touched his lips.

"You are far too kind," she said with a slight smile, looking at him.

He kissed her cheek softly before answering "I disagree."

Brooklyn looked at Khellian for a moment before finally giving in to her feelings, kissing Khellian passionately.

If he was surprised he didn't show it and returned the kiss for all it was worth. There was an extraordinary amount of attraction between the two of them, and he wasn't one to deny himself something that was clearly wanted by both parties.

She knew what she needed, and at that moment, she needed Kellian's support, as she wrapped her arms around him, grimacing as she moved her injured arm.

His arms came around her even before he felt a flicker of discomfort and Khellian looked deep into her eyes "You are still recovering from your injuries..."

"It's alright," she whispered, knowing it would be a long road to a full recovery .

"Very well." His voice was warm in her ear and his breath caressed her cheek before capturing her lips once more. It was a gentle kiss this time, full of promise.

Brooklyn returned the kiss before lifting her dress up above her head and let it drop onto the deck before lying back onto the sofa.

His eyes swept over the inviting form, laying there inviting his perusal. Her choice of undergarments was particularly pleasing to the eye, and his fingertips drifted over each lace covered breast before sliding down her belly. "Did you wear that with me in mind?"

"It did cross my mind," she said softly, enjoying Khellian's touch.

"I shall have to properly show my appreciation" he purred silkily, as his tongue darted out over dry lips. He knelt upon the floor and set to showing her just how much he appreciated her appearance, with soft, strong fingers and a sharp tongue.

Brooklyn laid in her bed with her sheet as her only cover. She snuggled against Khellian's chest. She was exhausted but very much content with staying right where she was, feeling Khellian against her.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 21st Sep, 2018 @ 10:28pm

Definitely developing into a romance.