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A Break in a Familiar Place

Posted on Mon 3rd Sep, 2018 @ 2:04pm by Eddie Hunt

971 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD15 1800 Hours

Eddie let out a yawn, something which was becoming more common over the past couple of days. He had managed another four hours sleep last night before spending the day in the casino again. He could never get bored of the sounds and the buzz of the place, but he needed to do something other than standing and watching. There was only so long he could do that.

The Night Manager was just coming into shift to run the place 6pm until 6am, before the Deputy Manager would do 6am until 6pm. He had two of each and they both worked 4 days or nights on and then 4 days or nights off. They were long shifts, but having four days off in a row was beneficial for a lot of people. He pulled the Night Manager to one side and said that he was going to get a bite to eat elsewhere and that he may or may not be back later. He was deliberately vague about it because he was tempted just to go to his house and sleep for twenty-four hours. If only, he thought.

He made his way to Orchids & Jazz, a familiar spot he had been to before and seeing Miss Lantz was always a comforting experience. She seemed to enjoy having chats, even if he didn't know much about her. Sometimes that's how people were.

Walking through her restaurant gave Jade Lantz a sense of satisfaction. She liked to see people enjoying the food and the music. Things were just getting underway for the evening crowd, and she smiled at several regulars before she saw Eddie Hunt walk in. Finishing her conversation with a first-time customer, she meandered in his direction. It was the last night of his grand opening, she knew, and was mildly surprised to see him here.

Eddie saw Jade come toward him in a reasonable time. She certainly made sure that she spoke to most people. It was as if she were interested in what people had to say. Fascinating, He thought. "Miss Lantz! It's nice to see you again. Well. I guess it's for that reason that I'm here," He let out a laugh. He didn't even know if it was funny or not, but tiredness was starting to get the better of him.

Jade smiled at him, took his arm to lead him toward her suite of offices, and offered, "I have a sort of guest room in the back if you need a break and a nap, or I can offer a meal and some quiet time back there, too, if you prefer. In busy times, we sometimes need an hour without responsibility and crowds."

"A nap would be great, but I think I need a meal and quiet time first if you're sure?" All of it sounded so nice, maybe he should have gone to bed first.

"Of course," Jade replied. "Owner privilege. We run similar enough businesses that I recognize overwork when I see it. An opening like yours is an overwhelming task. Marin's special tonight is Chicken Marsala with barely steamed broccoli and a fresh baked potato. Will that do?"

"That will be wonderful. There's not a lot I would say no to, to be honest, but that really does sound delicious." Even the thought of the food made Eddie's stomach rumble.

She opened the door to a small room at the back. Inside, a day bed piled with pillows was parked in one corner. Two comfortable-looking chairs, with a low, square table between them, faced a vid screen in another. Opposite that wall, there was a door into a 'fresher, and a small café table and two red-upholstered wrought iron chairs filled a third corner.

"Here we go," she welcomed him in. "Make yourself at home, and I'll be back with food and drink in a few minutes."

Eddie thanked Jade and watched her leave the room. He couldn't help but go straight to the bed. He slid his shoes off and laid down on the bed. It was comfier than he had expected. He started dozing, but quickly woke himself up with the sound of his snoring. He wasn't sure how much time had passed but it couldn't have been that long as there was no sign of any food.

"Ah, you're awake," said a voice nearby. A young woman walked into Eddie's field of vision. She'd been sitting at the café table, playing solitaire. "Jade said I was to let her know when you woke up, but not to bother you. I didn't make a sound," she promised. "I imagine you are ready for the food now."

Eddie rubbed his eyes, "How long have I been sleeping for? And yes please," He smiled gently, his belly slightly rumbling in the process of sitting up on the bed.

"Perhaps an hour," she said. "Not that long. There's a 'fresher through that door," she nodded toward the door in question, "in case you want to wash your face, or whatever. I'll go get your dinner." At the exit into the corridor, she turned back with an irrepressible smile. "I'm Podkayne, but the way, and now that you're awake, I intend to chatter incessantly as you eat." She left and her laugh echoed behind her.

"Long enough," Eddie mumbled before smiling at Podkayne as he watched her leave. She seemed weirdly awkward, but he couldn't put his finger on it. In a way it reminded him of the Casino counselor. He got up and went to the fresher and quickly washed his face. Only now, looking in the mirror, he saw how tired he looked. Maybe he would eat and get some much needed rest after all. He came out of the fresher and sat at the table, waiting for Podkayne to return.


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