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Fight practice

Posted on Tue 11th Dec, 2018 @ 4:58pm by Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark
Edited on on Tue 11th Dec, 2018 @ 5:01pm

1,281 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Gymnasium
Timeline: MD 15; 2000

Andrew waited patiently for an opening. His opponent was aggressive and fairly well disciplined but was slow on his blows allowing Andrew time to be comfortable with his defense. Noticing the shift in his attacker's weight, Andrew quickly feinted right and rose his left leg, catching the man's rib cage on his weaker foot. As the Andorian winced and backed off, Andrew went low and made contact with the Ensign's ankle, sending him to the mat. Rising up to assume an attacking posture, he relaxed his stance and offered a hand to the Andorian.

As the Ensign accepted and rose to his feet, they both left the mat and each grabbed a towel, "You're getting better, Ensign. You just need to get quicker in your attacks." The man nodded in understanding and got up to head to the shower to leave Andrew alone with his thoughts. He thought about picking another sparring partner and glanced around the room. It was fairly empty as expected for this time of day and Andrew considered maybe calling it a day himself.

It had been a busy day from start to finish and Khellian was looking for a way to blow off some steam. Walking into the gym he was surprised at the lack of people here. Flicking his fingers in annoyance, he dug in his bag for a practice knife.

Glancing at the entrance to see another person walk through, Andrew immediately recognized him. Raising an eyebrow, Andrew saw an opportunity and walked over, "Good morning. I noticed you came in looking a little worked up. Nothing helps with that like some sparring. Interested in a partner?"

"Most definitely, I would estimate that my skill falls at the level of a low intermediate student. I have only had the desire to defend myself hand to hand in the past few years." His partner skill probably greatly exceeded his but that would be a good learning experience for him.

Andrew shrugged at the man's self assessment and motioned to the nearest available mat, "Well, let's see how accurate your estimate is."

As he walked over, Andrew took up a standard defensive posture and waited for his partner to ready himself.

Khellian took on a stance that was one hed been briefly trained in on romulus. It relied on perfect balance and smooth transitions between motions.

Andrew gave a nod, signaling he was ready for the sparring to begin. Keeping his hands raised, Andrew's eyes glanced at the blade before focusing on the man's stance as whole. Mimicking the footwork, he took a calculated step in towards the Romulan, inviting him to make the first attack.

Khellian reacted, by moving to the side that he'd placed the majority of his weight on. His hand raised a few inches so he could block him at the elbow, and strike towards the foreward leg.

Keeping a neutral posture, Andrew turned his lead leg outside to absorb the kick and make a mental note of the man's timing and power of the attack in case an opportunity came for a counter later. The feel of the blow was as anticipated and once both recovered, Andrew probed his opponent's resolve by making quick jabs at his upper body to try and entice a lunging knife attack.

The Romulan was by no means striking as hard as he was able, and instead of lunging forward like his opponent was attempting to coax out of him, he spun forward. His hand catching the wrist with a knife in it, that was striking at him and holding it in a grip of iron.

With his opponent focused on neutralizing the knife, Andrew twisted his body, bringing his back leg forward to initiate contact on the back of the Romulan's leg, looking to catch him off balance and continued his momentum forward forcing both him and his opponent to the mat while losing his grip on his knife.

Andrew spun off and quickly grabbed the knife standing up and assuming a standard defensive posture rather than pressing his attack.

Khellian this time dropped to a squat and swept one long leg at ankle level towards Andrew. The strike on his back leg had hit enough to off balance him and he was hoping to regain something with that maneuver.

Frustrated he was late with his defense, the Romulan's quick counter caught Andrew with enough force he had to absorb the blow before initiating an attack of his own. Holding his knife overhand with the pseudo-blade parallel to the ground, Andrew renewed his offense and went for a quick downward strike at his opponent's wrist to disarm him.

That caused a reaction but not the dropped blade he was expecting. Instead the Romulan hissed a curse under his breath because that had hurt. He could feel the flesh bruising because the blade had struck just atop the bone. Khellian disengaged, and took a good step out of range. "Hold." He growled as he gently undid the glove.

Freezing for a moment, Andrew nodded and took a step back to give his opponent time, "My apologies. Any blood drawn?"

"Feels that way , a moment please. " he peeled off the glove and a drop of emerald fell to the floor. It was beading to the surface through the bruise as well as through the split skin. "Well struck indeed."

Andrew moved to grab a towel and tossed it to him, "I guess that's as a good of a break point as any," glancing at the wound, "Looks mainly superficial. Nothing sickbay can't fix I'm sure. Good session. Sorry it got a little out of hand."

Digging in his bag with a wicked little smirk, he dug a regenerator out of the bottom. That was something hed done specifically for this reason. A moment later he flicked it on and hummed it over the cracked skin until it stopped bleeding. "There. I will leave the bruise to learn from it."

Andrew raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Can't argue with that approach. Do you want to continue or call it a day for now?"

I think that might be enough for me for today, though I would like to review any footage there is . to correct my mistakes of course.

He nodded, "Of course, it's all yours," grinning, "Let me know if you catch anything on my end that you think needs improving as well. I would welcome any input you have."

"I shall see if i have any to offer. I am quite new to this." His smile reached his green eyes as he removed his gym shoes.

Sitting beside as he finished wiping the sweat off, Andrew grinned, "Almost could have fulled me. Your basic technique is solid. Anticipation, adaptation and reaction to an opponent's strategy just come with time and experience."

" I hear you, however...i should like to improve faster thank you very much. The last time I allowed myself to be caught off guard, it nearly ended my life. I should prefer not to have that happen again "

Andrew gave a look, wanting to ask the obvious follow up but understood they were merely sparing partners, not good friends, "Oh, I hear you," point to this side of face, "I got this scar from being impulsive and undisciplined," pausing as he laughed, "and cocky. Close calls certainly have a way of getting a person motivated to avoid that situation in the future don't they?"

"Quite right. Same time next week?"

He nodded in approval, "That works for me," turning to leave Andrew added, "I'll see you then."

The green eyed romulan nodded, bowed slightly to his opponant and left with the videos in hand.


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