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An Onsen Visit

Posted on Sun 12th Aug, 2018 @ 9:03am by Lieutenant Alexia Redding

646 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Spa, Deck 595

She was a woman of a certain age -- old enough that the young considered her old, while still young enough that the old considered her young. She had a look of confidence about her, a look that came from years of being responsible and facing her responsibilities head-on. She wore a Starfleet uniform, the wrapped tunic colored the rust-red of command, while four golden dots adorned her collar. A black, carbon-fiber cane assisted her in walking, and there as a form-fit support around one knee, from mid-thigh to mid-calf. The door had admitted her without comment, and she stood now in the middle of the space Redding had purchased, looking about with a curious air.

The young woman, with purple streaks in her ebony hair had her back to the door and although she'd heard it open she couldn't turn away from the filter replacement to greet whomever had come in. Her knees were starting to object being grated on the bare bulkhead, but once the filter was in it would make her job so much easier. Once she'd slid the biofilter back into place and the water in the pool before her started to clear from it's emerald green color, she cast her gaze over one shoulder. Squeaking with surprise she shot to her feet "Captain! Good morning!"

The Captain smiled. "Good morning... Ms. Redding? I heard you intended to get this place open again, and thought I'd stop by. I'm Captain Suzuki... Suzuki Hikari. I grew up in a culture of public baths, so when I heard your plan, I had to stop by." She looked at what the younger woman had been doing. "That's technically station equipment. If you need assistance, contact Lieutenant Baro and tell her I said to get her people down here to help out."

"It's going to be amazing once we're done. The safety inspection we did earlier however left a great deal to be desired. " rubbing a hand over her face she stretched her back muscles. "To say they left things in shambles is about the understatement of the century."

"Oh, if you find any crystalline goo or pods stuck to anything, get away from it and call the Marines," Suzuki said. "They swear up and down they got all of it, but better safe than sorry."

"I trust I don't want to know the backstory to that." The young woman laughed and then shook her head. "There was some black goo upstairs but the cleaning crew took care of it."

Suzuki nodded. "I actually came here to offer you a resource. My wife and I honeymooned at a hot springs resort -- an onsen -- and we bought their holographic recreation of their resort. I thought you might like to see how other cultures do it? I understand you probably have plans of your own, but...."

"I would love to have a look, though my designer might be a better one to look at it. He's the vision of the operation, I merely make it happen and provide therapy." Lexi nodded enthusiastically. "He's probably drawing right now as they clear space."

Suzuki nodded, and drew an isolinear rod out of the thigh pocket of her uniform trousers. "Well, here it is. I'd like it back, eventually, but feel free to look and study and share it with the designer."

Taking it into her hand she tucked it into her own pocket. "Thank you Captain." Her voice was genuine as she stretched back a bit. "I trust when we're set up here we'll see you as a guest?"

"You may count on it," Suzuki said, leaning on her cane again. "And in order to speed us to that joyfully anticipated day, I should take my leave. It was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Redding."

"Likewise sir." She saluted jovially and then picked up the PADD again.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 19th Aug, 2018 @ 1:33am

Oh, this is going to be delightful! It makes me wish I actually WERE on SB 109! I look forward to getting to know the new characters.