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Posted on Tue 28th Aug, 2018 @ 4:47pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington & Khellian s'Siedhri MD

1,436 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Backpost: Just before Wellington's duel

More than once as they walked, Khellian glanced over at the attractive woman that was walking to his left side. Briefly he contemplated the twists of fate that had brought him to having a date with a Stafleet Marine. "So where are we going?" He asked curiosity evident in his voice.

"I heard of this great place on the Promenade called Tolena's. It's a Bajoran establishment, yet make some of the best eggs I've ever tasted," Wellington explained. What sort of foods do you enjoy if you don't mind me asking."

"I have yet to meet a cuisine that I did not enjoy, however I do have a preference for my food being dead before I eat it. That tends to lead me away from Klingon and Ferengi cuisine. I have had acquaintances call me a foodie, for i take great enjoyment in cooking and eating. That is the correct term yes? Foodie?"

Brooklyn couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, that's the correct term." She looked at Khellian for a moment as they approached the restaurant--enjoying kellian's company. Tolena's was warmly lit, decorated with Bajoran decor and plants, giving the place a cozy feel. Several tables were occupied by customers.

"Welcome to Tolena's," a host approached, smiling warmly. "I'll escort you to your table."

"Thank you," Brooklyn replied as she and Khellian followed the man and soon sat at a small booth at the corner of the restaurant. "Your waitress will be with you shortly."

"Do you have a favorite dish at this establishment?" Khellian asked softly as he picked up the menu card and began to read it. Green eyes flickered from her face to the menu and back.

"Well, I'm a sucker for their Omelettes," Brooklyn replied with a grin, feeling Khellian's eyes on her. She looked from the menu to Khellian, regarding the feelings she was developing around him. "See anything you like?" she gestured to the menu as she didn't want the question to appear be too forward.

Such clever innuendo Colonel "Quite the number of things" he replied, his emerald eyes warming again with a smile that touched the depths of him. He was incredibly genuine and good natured for a man who'd spent the last years running from the Tal Shiar. "As far as the menu is concerned, I do hope to come back and try all the things that interest me."

Brooklyn couldn't help but to smile as the waitress came up to the table. "What can I get you?"

"I'll have the Omelette," Brooklyn replied.

"I would like the strawberry stuffed french toast please, with..." and he paused for a moment "Must have some protien with that..."

"Well you could make it a combo meal and add 2 eggs and a meat easily enough sir." The waitress leaned over and tapped the section of the menu that had his options.

"Very good I'll do that. I will have them scrambled with cheese and sausage patties please." Khellian closed his menu to hand it to the waitress.

As the waitress left, Brooklyn was silent for a long moment that was becoming awkward. She could feel Khellian's eyes on her. She was a career Marine, having fought in numerous battles, and here she was, tongue-tied by a civilian doctor. 'Dammit, Wellington. Get it together, girl,' she chided herself. "Did you ever serve in the Romulan Star Empire?" she asked, finally, hoping that wasn't a sore subject.

"To an extent we all did. Glory to the Empire, or death by the hands of it." Khellian offered a shrug and continued "I served the people well and equally regardless of rank or station, until the day I stole my daughter and ran away."

"You stole your daughter? Why?" Brooklyn asked, leaning forward, resting her arms on the table.

"It was a lovely spring day, and I was walking back to my home and passing the manors of state in my Province. I heard the cries of a woman in some distress, and so I approached the manor. Being dressed in the manner of a physician they allowed me entry and blessed my presence for the Lady of the Manor was having some difficulty in her labor, and I assisted in delivering a baby girl. A baby girl with curly black hair and violet eyes, clearly not a fully Romulan child. She was perfection itself, beauty incarnate. I heard the 'father' talking about her disgrace, and how they were going to treat the 'half breed' like worse than an animal. They were not even going to give her a name...and I could not abide this perfect girl child barely born to live in such horrors. So...I stole her. I wrapped her in her elemental blanket and I tucked her into my medical bag and closed it. I simply walked out with my daughter in my bag and my life now forfeit to the Tal'Shiar Officer to whom she'd been born."

Brooklyn was shocked at the story--she hadn't expected anything like that. She placed her hand on top of his, giving it a slight squeeze. "You did the right thing," she said softly.

"I know. I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I had not stolen her. If I'd found a suitable wife and taught my children my trade" he shrugged and then smiled squeezing her hand.

As Khellian squeezed her hand back, she looked at him for a moment. "Is your daughter here on the station then?"

"Yes. She's my assistant, and has learned much of medicine from my hands. You'll meet her if you come by the office during normal office hours." His twinkling smile teased her slightly.

"Oh? Is there any other reason why I should visit during working hours?" Wellington teased, just as the waitress brought the food to the table.

"Well you could continue to take me from my bed at mind numbingly early hours" he teased her back gently. "But that might inspire other things."

The response was more forward than Brooklyn had expected and it took her a moment to recover. Was he serious or just flirting? "Wow...very tempting...and I believe it would," Brooklyn said with a grin.

With the surprise evident on her face, Khellian smiled "You are surprised by me." His voice deepened a bit and he spoke quietly "Dare to tempt fate?"

"You are forward, aren't you?" she observed but couldn't keep from smiling. This was moving fast for her...but talking to and being around Khellian just *felt* right--something she hadn't felt in a long time. "Why not?" she replied.

"Most humans find me direct rather than forward." Khellian mused with a pensive look upon his handsome face. "I am simply me, the way I have always been. To dance around the truth serves no purpose other than to waste time."

"I can appreciate that," Brooklyn replied as the waitress returned to the table, placing the food in front of the two. She soon busied herself with cutting her food as she tried to not thank of Khellian--and his damned handsome features.

He seemed to understand her discomfort as he too turned his attention to his food. It was quite artistically arranged and he took a moment to appreciate it's layout. "Its almost too pretty to eat."

"Food is never too pretty to eat," she replied with a grin, pointing her fork playfully at Khellian.

"I must respectfully disagree with you on that. However..." he raised his brows pointedly at her fork "I can appreciate art in all its forms."

Brooklyn couldn't help but laugh before taking another bite. She decided to be honest with the man. "Look...Khellian. You're very handsome...and I...I would like to get to know you better."

His cheeks darkened as she expressed her attraction to him "I would like that...very much in fact."

Brooklyn wasn't at all used to feeling this way--a part of her felt foolish. The other--excited. She smiled. "Good," she replied finally and decided to act upon her feelings as she stood slightly, leaning forward, and pressed her lips against his.

Surprise rocked through him, having never been kissed by woman in this fashion. She was so passionate and his eyes fluttered closed and his hand came up to steady her while the other tangled in her hair.

After a moment, Wellington pulled away and sat back down, letting out a sigh. "I should get going," she said as she glance at her chronometer. "I have to be on duty in half an hour, but I definitely want to see you again, Khellian."


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