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I'll Just Be a Minute

Posted on Sun 19th Aug, 2018 @ 11:37pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Eddie Hunt

1,033 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 1553: Hunt's Fortune
Timeline: MD13 2000 Hours

Clad in a long-sleeved Betazoid-style tunic the color of coffee with cream, with black slacks, Paul Graves could already tell that he wouldn't be able to tolerate staying at the casino for long. This wasn't like walking through the Promenade. The ambient emotions here were too intense--the elation of winning, the wild hope while a roulette wheel or tumblers in a slot machine spun, the sometimes crushing disappointment or anger from those who lost. He felt pulled in a thousand different directions and had to concentrate on not losing himself in them. It didn't help that he'd started yawning after going off duty.

He had come to the casino opening to honor the love that Zachary Hunt had had for his brother Eddie. It was time to develop a friendship with Eddie on Eddie's own merit now, rather than in memory of Zach. Paul just hoped he would be sane enough to accomplish it as he made his way through the mob of excited gamblers to explore the building and to re-acquaint himself with where the recital hall was before he needed to go to it the next evening.

The Starfleet awards ceremony would be held there the following night, presided over by Marine Brigadier General Sinclair--an event Paul now fervently looked forward to because it would be entirely unlike the kaleidoscope of emotions on the casino floor. Starfleet personnel were, by and large, less labile than gamblers.

Once inside the casino, however, the place became a cave. For all the bright lights of the slot machines and neon lighting elsewhere, the overall room lighting was muted, which only contributed to his desire for a nap once he could return to his quarters. There were no windows to the outside. Even the carpet had a dark, though colorful, pattern to it. A person could lose all sense of time in here, Paul thought. He stood among a veritable forest of chiming, musically beeping slot machines. You could lose all sense of direction, too. At last, though, he found the main path through the casino and breathed a sigh of relief.

Eddie continued to monitor people as they walked through the casino. The buzz of the place was constant, the sound of winners filled the place up, yet the sound of losers wasn't too far away either. As he looked around he saw yet another familiar face. Everyone he had met so far seemed to have turned out for this special night, which was a compliment in itself. "Paul!" he called out, walking over to him. "Hello! I'm glad you came! You look a little bit all over the place! Are you okay?"

"Hi, Eddie! It is a little much in here," Paul admitted. "I'm all right, but I can't stay long. I'm headed to check out the recital hall so I can remember where it is before the awards ceremony tomorrow night. Everyone seems to be glad the casino is active again," he went on. "Congratulations on a very well-attended grand opening!"

"Try being in the building for a couple of weeks and then shoving all these people in here. My OCD is running wild," He smiled at Paul. "Thank you as well, it has all gone so smoothly. I will walk with you to the recital hall if you would like, it's just up here." He pointed.

"I'd be glad of the company," Paul assured him. "I hear the casino will hold grand opening festivities for the next 48 hours. Do you plan to schedule any time for sleep?"

Eddie mimicked a tired look at Paul, "I have a couple of hours scheduled in here and there, but I think my excitement will keep me from sleeping!"

"That and Raktajino?" Paul asked, grinning.

"That would keep me up with illness," Eddie laughed.

"Yeah, that stuff is kind of like Earth espresso on tri-ox compound," Paul agreed. He glanced about the large room. "So what is your favorite part of a casino?"

"What a question," Eddie thought about it. "Well my two favourite things about the casino is the new sign and also the art mural outside. Inside, I think the decor and flowers Flavia provided are amazing. And in terms of the favourite looking game are the poker tables. There's so many that it will certainly be a venue for major tournaments. It all looks really good though! Anything you like?"

Paul had to laugh. "Trust me, Eddie. You do not want me to play poker here. Given the right circumstances, I could take the house--unless I played against Ferengi. I could go for roulette or dicing, though. Slot machines bore me."

"We do have to be careful for that kind of thing, it happens more often than you think," Eddie said. "Poker and blackjack are my games, but I dabble on a lot of things here, except slot machines. I agree with you there!"

"I might be able to manage blackjack or baccarat," Paul said, "but it would be too easy for me to have an unfair advantage at poker. Maybe, once you figure out when the casino tends to be quieter, we can play a few rounds of blackjack."

"That sounds good with me, Paul. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat some when soon and catch up properly? If not, I will see you tomorrow for the awards evening," Eddie smiled.

"A bite to eat with you sometime sounds good to me," Paul said. "I'll definitely see you at the awards ceremony." Paul gave a sudden yawn. "Sorry! Speaking of that, I think I'll go check out the auditorium, make sure I can find my way there before tomorrow night. Have a good evening, Eddie."

"No worries Paul! Thanks for checking the opening night out though, and I will see you tomorrow. You have a good evening as well," Eddie smiled as they reached the recital hall doors. Paul bade Eddie a good evening and entered the auditorium.

He selected a seat in the middle of the room and sat down. How deeply peaceful it was! The chair was sinfully comfortable, unusual for auditorium seating.

Before he quite realized it, he had fallen fast asleep.


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Comments (2)

By on Mon 20th Aug, 2018 @ 10:59pm

Oh, nice prequel to many things! I foresee a poker tournament here sometime when things are slow. Maybe Paul can keep players honest!

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Tue 21st Aug, 2018 @ 5:05pm

*snicker* That's an interesting idea and an unusual use of empathy. I'll go for it if James is interested.