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Showing Stability

Posted on Sat 18th Aug, 2018 @ 3:17am by Eddie Hunt
Edited on on Sun 19th Aug, 2018 @ 1:43am

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 1553: Hunt's Fortune
Timeline: MD13 1845 Hours

Leah stood outside the newly opened casino, dressed in a purple one-strap evening gown that snugged against her body made of Tholian silk with a slit up the side--she was impressed with Eddie Hunt's work thus far. Only time would tell if the casino would stay open or fall to the wayside. She looked to her bodyguard. "Impressive, wouldn't you say Var'dekk?"

"Very impressive," he commented simply. He was never much of a fan of social gatherings such as these to be honest.

Eddie had been by the doors greeting people as they walked in, before eventually realising there were far too many people there and walking inside. People kept speaking to him to tell him how wonderful everything was and asking him questions. Perhaps he shouldn't have told people to ask questions! After the lady he was with finished questioning him, he managed to sneak outside for some fresh air. He stood there, admiring the people outside on the various stalls dotted around, before recognizing one of the faces. He walked over. "Ahhh Ms. Jamison. I'm glad you could make it."

Leigh smiled brightly as Hunt approached her. "Mr. Hunt, I never miss a party. I'm taking it, you needed a break from your adoring fans," she replied, gesturing to the lines standing outside of the casino.

"I'm the same, I can never turn them down. One day it will be my downfall!" He laughed. "That I do. Next time I suggest telling people to speak to me and ask questions, try and knock me out before I do."

She looked to Var'dekk with a smile, "You heard him." She then turned back to Eddie. "So, I do not see a lady on your arm, Mr. Hunt. Someone such as yourself should always be accompanied by a woman...or man if you prefer. It shows stability."

"Either or Miss Jamison. Do you have any time without Var'dekk? Or is he the man to show your stability?" He asked with a wry smile.

"No, he's the man who beats those who doubt my stability," she grinned wickedly. "As for time away from Var'dekk, let's go. Var'dekk, go and enjoy yourself," she said as she and Eddie turned to walk off.

"Yes, ma'am," Var'dekk replied, relieved at not having to attend the social gathering.

"Remind me not to doubt your stability then," Eddie winked. "As for my stability, well it just went up." He smiled at Leah and offered to link arms with her.

Leah took Eddie's arm and grinned. "Yes it has, Mr. Hunt. Though it may make some of your female fans jealous."

"I'm sure by the time they get inside the casino, they will forget about it," Eddie grinned back. "Would you like to try any of the games?"

Leah shook her head. "I'm not much of a gambler...besides, we all know the house always holds the advantage," she winked.

"Oh Miss Jamison, I honestly don't know what you mean. All these people that are coming to visit have a...certain...winning chance," He said with a wry smile.

"Of course they do," she replied with a grin as they entered the casino. Leigh took a moment to take in all of the decor, accompanied by sounds and lights from various gambling machines that ranged from slots to Dabo tables. "Consider me impressed."

"I will take the compliment, thank you. Are you coming to the awards evening tomorrow? I only ask as an excuse to see you again," Eddie looked at her and grinned.

"Hmmm...I may be able to fit it into my schedule. Let me date?" Leah teased with a wicked grin on her face.

Eddie pursed his lips, "Easy to guess. I agreed to let the casino host the event because it's great for PR, but it's completely Starfleet based, so I expect it to be formal drivel. However, the people getting awards are deserving of it, so I guess I can entice you in if you want to see people who are deserving getting an award? And if you don't, well," Eddie let out a small 'heh'. "You don't have a choice now!"

"Oh, there's always a choice, Mister Hunt. But yes, I will attend these awards with you," Leah stated.

"Damn free will!" He joked. "Thank you! Well if you would like I shall show you around the casino? Then I will have to break and most probably have to speak to some more people. My attention will be yours all of tomorrow evening though"


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 19th Aug, 2018 @ 1:45am

Such a different character from Wellington; it's lovely to see someone play two people so differently. Your interactions were fun and flirty and light-hearted.