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So This Is Starbase Vanguard

Posted on Sun 3rd Jun, 2018 @ 12:48am by

307 words; about a 2 minute read

So this is Starbase Vanguard. They call it the freaking shopping mall of the sector, and they aren't kidding. I'm not going up to the Promenade decks, though; I can't afford to spend my money shopping, though I would like to buy something for my girl back home. She may have to just wait for a homemade dinner when I get back, because, frak, this place is expensive! Whoever heard of 200 credits a day to park a runabout?! What do they think I'm made of, gold-pressed latinum?

Looks like I'll be looking for work around Tivaly--Tivoli?--Gardens. All sorts of little eateries down there that use replicators, and all of the private residences, too. Really, the amount of wasted space in this floating behemoth amazes me. There's a frakking river on four of the decks--with a waterfall! Whoever heard of a river on a starbase?

I talked to the Ferengi barge pilots--the wife of the older one, actually. She runs a restaurant called the Slug & Grub on each barge, and she was looking for a deal. Wanted to put me on retainer after she taste-tested my repairs. I told her I'd give her a discount if she'd tell people who fixed her replicator. Not a bad deal. She drove a hard bargain, but I like the lady. Short, but feisty. Much nicer than the Ferengis I used to know. She said I even got the taste of blood flea soup correct. Yeah, and I nearly threw it up into a trash can as soon as I got far enough away. I can eat Ferengi food if the alternative is starvation, but I'd just about rather eat stewed gagh served dead.

So, first customer's down, and money's in the bank. Got a long way to go before I can afford passage off this tub.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 6th Jun, 2018 @ 1:52am

I had to do a double take and then remember that Corin is writing for anyone who is checking up on Corin, not Damion! Great layering!