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Personal Log, Stardate 70449.68

Posted on Thu 24th May, 2018 @ 1:22pm by Elizabeth Anderson M.D.

196 words; about a 1 minute read

Understanding emotions is a tricky business. There are times when I'd like to rip out the emotion chip, but now that my processors are taking over and building their own pathways, I'm not sure how that would affect my systems, or if it would work at all. In the background, my subroutines continue to run in their appointed and logical paths. In the foreground, I can only sum it up by saying my conscious thinking routines are a mess. That wording even sounds humanoid, doesn't it?

Early last evening, my entire logic system was thrown into turmoil when Damion gave me a gift. It was worse when I found out it was something he made for me, and had been planning for some time. I don't know what that means. I don't know how to process it, or which emotion is appropriate.

Friendship is the word I've ascribed to the entire Damion-Elizabeth subroutine, but what do I know about friendship? Only what I've read in Bajoran and human-authored books. I know that information ≠ understanding. I've sent this to be analyzed by my core functions, but it isn't helping.

Maybe I should visit engineering for a check-up.


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