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Walking with a friend in the dark, is better than walking alone in the light

Posted on Fri 28th Sep, 2012 @ 8:15am by Colonel Horatio Drake

162 words; about a 1 minute read

Captain's Log, Stardate: 66743.0

I've been sitting in this desolate and abandoned Ready Room for the past ten minutes, trawling through the former Captain's Log's, trying to discovere exactly what happened. From what I can gather, the logs become corrupted the closer one gets to the event... whatever it was... that crippled this ship and her crew.

I've got a strange feeling about this mission... a sense of, almost dread, which I haven't experienced before. It almost feels like whatever action we take, there is only hopelessness waiting for us. As if this whole expedition is pointless. It's an odd sensation, especially since I know that the Runabout is, with the power coming back online, a matter of minutes away. I can't foresee anything that could put us in even the slightest bit of peril.

Nevertheless, something about this ship and her demise rests uneasy with me. I don't think I'll be happy until I'm back on the Coldstream, en route to Protector.


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