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Tactical Superiority

Posted on Tue 25th Oct, 2016 @ 3:15pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

357 words; about a 2 minute read

Captain's Log - Stardate 47634.44

I find it ironic... I find a lot of things ironic these days... but more specifically my current situation. After the Dominion War the shortage of Starfleet Officers capable of command was never more apparent. So many Command Officers were lost, Starfleet began drafting in Flag Officers for the larger ships. Someone, somewhere along the line suggested an untapped resource... the Marines. Of course, the objections to this were widespread... never had a M.A.C.O. or Marine Officer been part of the chain of command of a starship or starbase. There were clear guidelines about the difference between a Fleet Officer and a Marine Officer. To me, I couldn't see the difference... we all wore Starfleet uniforms and all had the same basic training... the Marines just took different advanced training to that of a science officer or engineering officer, for example. At the end of the day all three would have their fields, all three wore different colours, but all three were Starfleet Officers.

So it began, Marines became mixed with the 'Fleeties'... by the time I entered Starfleet the two were so complexly interwoven it was impossible to strip the Marines out of a Starfleet facility or Fleet Officers from a Marine facility. So, despite entering the service as a Marine Officer, my aim had always been to command my own Starship. There was one particular regulation that, for some reason, had always stuck with me. I think I came across it in my first month at the Academy... I remembered it sounded so cool:

Regulation 191, Article 14: In a combat situation involving more than one ship, command falls to the vessel with tactical superiority

For me, that was it... I was set for command of a Ship of the Line and nothing was going to get in my way.

Well... I've got my ship of the line... I'm just a hundred years too late for the regulation! I think...

=/\=Bridge to Colonel Drake=/\=

=/\=Drake here=/\=

=/\=Sir, we've picked up a trail of interference in the electrodynamic field=/\=

=/\=I'm on my way=/\=

Computer, Pause Recording.


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