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And many more

Posted on Fri 7th May, 2021 @ 9:44am by Renato Solis

399 words; about a 2 minute read

Renato slid into the comfort of his wingback chair. His office was quiet and the cave around him of sleeping folks filled his senses of dreams with delicate whispers of somnambulent delight. Music began playing at his slight gesture, keyed to his moods the program had selected a nocturne of course, given the late hour turned early. Carl Czerny's "Consolation." He smirked in the manner that suited his sly demeanor, appreciating the humor in what was random for the computer but meaningful to him.

"Personal Log... It's Midnight, and I am middle aged now, there's no escaping it. As much time has come as there is now to go. I find the time and hour is not so important as the path leading to that final moment..."

Rapid notes filled the room, sustaining the energy of a gentle smile, allowing hope to win out. Forty years had brought much misery and strife had taken so much from him. He poured a drink in the beat as he collected his thoughts. Sipping several times, only satisfied after a fourth, he continued.

"I could say for the millionth time I never planned for any of this, that the path to here was one of necessity but your choices are the demons that haunt you. Today I am haunted, and I fear the answers to questions which will be posed soon. For all my ills, I surely have contributed some good."

Memories cascaded, tribulations of a tempest tossed soul craving only solace and repose for the wounded around him. He felt for the tears that usually came but this time, he felt hollow for the effort. If they no longer fell in earnest anything else was manufactured and trite. Time had taken the edge off of the pain finally.

"...Perhaps I am not so much haunted, as visited. Maybe that's something to cherish then, to be visited with a bygone ghost, a relic from your past providing chance to consider those moments that you hold onto. Memory of a kiss is not the same as a kiss, but can last forever. A promise broken can become a promise fulfilled, if there is time. Which there is, so much time to go."

-End Log-

OOC: It's my Birthday today! I felt like posting so I did lol. I hope everyone out there is doing safe, love you all, best wishes and keep safe!


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