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A Purulent Journal-Stardate 040423.95

Posted on Sun 4th Apr, 2021 @ 10:23pm by Purulence Addams
Edited on Tue 6th Apr, 2021 @ 2:04am

531 words; about a 3 minute read

When I was in my teens and as a young adult, I clung to art because I felt it was the only thing I was good at, my only marketable skill. I was fat--fatter than my Dad, I think--bizarrely dark-skinned among a family of deathly pale relatives, not the bookish sort as a kid, and felt like decidedly the odd girl out.

Now I am dating a man who tells me I severely undervalue myself.

Ignatius is so different from Henry, it boggles my mind sometimes.

People wonder what I ever saw in Henry--even his own band members wondered. But it was simple. Back then, Henry and I were kindred spirits in a way. We both hated ourselves and wanted to be something else. We were both relieved beyond words to find someone else who understood. It was great! I adored him--until I realized how selfish and controlling he was and how terrified I was of losing his affection, and I realized that I didn't ever want to need a man so much that I'd allow myself to be so controlled by him, to the detriment of my own happiness.

I should have listened to Mother sooner. She told me, "Your father treats me like a queen, and that is how a man who says he loves you should treat you, my daughter--as his queen, who he adores, never as his slave. And he should be worthy of your equally fervent adoration of him."

I'm not sure that I would want my parents' marriage, but I do know that I would have been miserable with Henry. And I do know that I can't wait to see Ignatius, every single day. When we first met, I distrusted the attraction I felt for him. I'm over that now. I've seen the real guy and gotten to know him. I've drawn him several times. He wants me to be a part of his life, and I want him to be a part of mine.

I'm even over being terrified to love him now. I'm not making the same mistake that I did with Henry in loving Ignatius. He's a completely different man. He doesn't ask that I be beautiful for him to show off; he asks that I learn skills.

A man who wants me to challenge myself--that is the way in which Ignatius treats me as a queen. He has high expectations of me and holds himself to the same standard.

So all this extensive preamble is why I'm going to start an HR consulting business--and might even branch out into behavioral consulting, now that I think of it. I've been useful to police and Intelligence before. Why limit myself?

I think I will talk to Schemy and Chlamy about it first, though. This is going to require planning, and it's going to require designing and tailoring the business. I will have to do a lot of preparation before I can truly start. And I know how desperately I suck at planning anything. :P

I'm a bit worried because I think I should feel more scared of this prospect than I do. Instead, I'm getting excited about it.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 6th Apr, 2021 @ 4:48am

Remember that your sisters always deliver the truth to you. They love you too much ever to do otherwise. So trust them when they tell you that you CAN plan a business if you choose to do so. =)