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Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley’s personal log Stardate: 64980.4

Posted on Fri 2nd Nov, 2012 @ 5:09am by Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley

348 words; about a 2 minute read

Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley’s personal log Stardate: 64980.4

In a rather curios move by Starfleet command I have been reassigned from my current post as Chief of Strategic Operations aboard the USS Wain to my new post as Assistant Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer onboard starbase Protector a Starfleet Marine Corps facility. This particular facility is a stardock class starbase under the command of one Lieutenant Colonel Ashton Drake; a young human male, with sort but slightly impressive service record through I suspect his uncles position at Starfleet command has helped considerably. This is the first time that the commanding officer of my post as younger than myself and full 10 years younger at that, he hasn’t seen much of combat nothing like what I saw in the war anyway.

My direct soupier the Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer is a Major
Darian Riva a female Betazoid/Romulan hybrid her record is longer and more intriguing anyway she served aboard the Roanoke about the time the ship went rouge though all charges against we dropped due to and I quote extenuating circumstances, the standard line when used when officer is to valuable to loose no matter the charges, and reeks of Starfleet intelligence meddling.

Giving the Major’s record and personality, It seems strange that Starfleet command would want me a strict, ridged, hard noses officer on this post as well especially as her assistant they usually try and put the opposite personality type in that slot so that the two balance each other out, these are either extremely important diplomatic meeting taking place or there more going on here than I’ve been told or perhaps a combination of the two. I don’t which but I will find out. I still have research on the other members of the senior staff as well as the rest of people in the Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations department, and a short time before I arrive there, and as is my custom I intend to hit the ground running as the yanks say.

End Log


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