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Personal Log: Disposable

Posted on Tue 24th Nov, 2020 @ 8:09am by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

438 words; about a 2 minute read

When I first came to the Federation--heck, even before that, when I worked on the Fine Investment, I was introduced to the concept of paper towels. I thought the Ferengi were crazy. I've always been the sort who uses a rag to clean things with--all my people are. When you're done, you wash out the rag, and you reuse the thing until it falls apart and is good for nothing but pillow or mattress stuffing. In the repair shop I toss dirty rags into the recycler and I get new, clean ones when I need them. It seemed a bit odd at first, but there's no waste, so I've gotten used to it. No one around here has dirty rags--not that I've ever seen, anyway.

Paper towels, though--I know they get recycled, too; everything does, here. But there are places where you just throw them away. Maybe, eventually, what's tossed in the rubbish bin goes into a recycler--'twould only make sense. But you have to wonder, what goes through the mind of someone who just tosses a thing away?

I wonder if that's where Dobbs got the idea?

Eh, I doubt it. Hundreds upon thousands of people toss away rubbish--They don't go experimenting on folk and just leaving them behind when they've no further use for them. No. Most people understand the difference between real rubbish and things that ought never to be rubbish.

That's a relief to remind myself of, otherwise I fear I'd lie awake too many nights.

In other news--Work's been keeping me busy as we plan the expedition to Oblivion. I'm not spending as much time in the repair shop as I used to; I've been having to attend too many meetings. Dobbs is a smart bugger; taking him down will require subtle and careful planning, and we don't know how how many current 'test subjects' we're likely to find. I shudder to think.

I've been delivering excess vegetables to the Brown Sector Community Center for a while now. Seems to be working well, and I've added some fresh herbs to the vegetables I pass along. You have to do something with the mint, else it'll take over your whole living space. I've heard about an Earth plant called kudzu that's edible, but everyone I ask about it gives me this look of horror and says no, not to plant any, that it's worse than mint. Scary.

I think I'm in the mood for a Nutty Irishman* and some knitting. Yeah, that sounds good. Something useful for Miss Kya at the Community Center, I think.

* Equal parts Bailey's Irish Creme and Frangelico


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