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Working at It

Posted on Sun 1st Sep, 2019 @ 10:35pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran
Edited on Sun 1st Sep, 2019 @ 11:39pm

656 words; about a 3 minute read

(Encrypted entry) Personal Log, Damion Ildaran

I always enjoy my conversations with Elizabeth, but I have to say, this one earlier today was not so much enjoyable as it was confusing for a while. I'm not quite sure if we resolved our concerns, agreed to disagree, still skirted around the issue, or if my confusion was all a mountain out of a molehill.

I'm still bothered by her comment that she 'wondered if I was still afraid that she might go rogue.' And the way she kept lowering her gaze, wouldn't look at me. And when she finally did look at me, she was all trying to make light of it. There were just parts of the conversation that didn't feel right to me, and I've never had that experience with Elizabeth before.

I don't know. Am I worrying it to death? And the hell of it is, I can't talk to anyone about this except her--not without breaking confidences, and that I refuse to do.

What did I like about it? I liked that it was us working at building our relationship--which is a thing humans are advised to do all the time. Elizabeth says she's not human--and I agree; she's not. But she becomes much more so as time passes. That is a thing I have to constantly re-adjust to as the changes happen. Elizabeth as I first knew her would never have had a slip of the tongue, would never have had that moment of not considering the ethics of a situation until she remembered to consider them. We might have more misunderstandings and discussions like this in the future, and we will have to be prepared for that. We will have to be prepared to continue to work at our friendship and--whatever more it might become.

* * *

I'm now in for a week's rotation at the repair shop, pending events. We've some bloke on the station who attacked a Starfleet security officer with a knife and has disappeared--but he's not tried to beam off 109 or passed through any of the turbolifts or docking ports. The higher-ups took one look at me and said, "Ildaran, you've fought people before who used knives for real, haven't you? Get on this." I might as well. The Ring investigation continues, but it's moving more slowly because Morrigan's engaged counsel, and getting useful information out of her is difficult at best, even if she does halfway trust me to at least not want to harm her.

I looked at the victimology and damn-near spat out my tea, laughing. Let me get this straight. What kind of a fool goes after a 6'5" tall, well-muscled, trained security officer with only a knife? I have an answer for that--an attacker with a paralytic drug. Well, now, that changes things. We're no longer looking at some idiot with a knife and a death-wish. We're looking at a bloody professional who likes to get up-close and personal with his victim. Most professionals would rather use a beam weapon from somewhat of a distance and then get the hell out with their victim never seeing them.

Well, this bloke has gotten the hell out--but where to? I ran the security footage Michaels sent me backward from before the attack and forward after the attack. Our bloke is good at hiding and blending into crowds. Took me a while to find him, even though Michaels had already done all the work.

My suspicion is, the bloke was beamed off 109 from a ship docked at the station. If it left immediately after the transport, we might be able to track it and hunt him down that way. If the pilot was cannier and delayed departure until suspicion passed, 'twill be more difficult to work out which ship he was on. That's simplest, at any rate. I'll check the arrival and departure logs from Flight Control for that date.


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