Tour - Tactical Information Centre (TIC)

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The Tactical Information Centre (TIC), also known as a Combat Information Center, is an auxiliary control area on a ship (normally classes considered "warships") or station that provides processed information for command and control of the near battle space or "area of operations".

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Description The Tactical Information Centre (TIC), also known as a Combat Information Center, is an auxiliary control area on a ship (normally classes considered "warships") or station that provides processed information for command and control of the near battle space or "area of operations". The need for commanders to be able to carry on combat operations over the vastness of space, involving so many resources and immense amounts of data has been recognized by every major power in the galaxy. This was especially true during the Dominion War, when not only did Starfleet commanders have to direct large-scale operations of their own forces, but also coordinate and incorporate those of the Klingon Defense Force and later, the Romulan Star Navy. Regardless of the vessel or command locus, each TIC organizes and processes information into a form more convenient and usable by the commander in authority. Each TIC funnels communications and data received over multiple channels from several types of data, which is then organized, evaluated, weighted and arranged to provide ordered timely information flow to the battle command staff under the control of the flag officer and his deputies.

TICs were purposefully incorporated into the designs of several classes of Starfleet ships, such as the Akira and Excalibur classes. They can also be retrofitted to larger classes with only a few days of dock time. These ships have dedicated sensors and communications in addition to a ship's normal compliment to allow for uninterrupted C&C operations. Klingon, Romulan, and Breen ships also have a TIC (or an area similar to it) of varying size and capability aboard the majority of their ships. Vessels equipped with a TIC are normally assigned as flagships or command and control ships over squadrons, task groups, task forces, fleets, and the like.

Contrary to what the name applies, Tactical personnel are not the only department found in a TIC. Strategic Operations, Intelligence, and Communications also play vital roles there as their expertise is often called upon.