View Awards - Thomas Maynard

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Theta Fleet Writer of the Month Theta Fleet Writer of the Month
Awarded Sun 18th Jun, 2017 @ 9:54am
Nominated by Colonel Horatio Drake
I think this has to go to Lieutenant Thomas Maynard, played by Tom. Tom has come out with some really good introduction posts this month, being new to the sim, in a fairly difficult department to play. He's established the character and started to hint at his past, all with well written and interesting posts!
Distinguished Newcomer Award Distinguished Newcomer Award
Awarded Sun 18th Jun, 2017 @ 10:11am
Nominated by Colonel Horatio Drake
Further to receiving Writer of the Month, I think Tom has really made his mark coming onto Vanguard with his excellent opening posts and willingness to jump into JP's with anyone willing! Keep up the good work!
Captain's Honour Award Captain's Honour Award
Awarded Sun 16th Jul, 2017 @ 10:38am
Nominated by Colonel Horatio Drake
For helping to make the sim what it is - unique, original and creative. For supporting countless Gold and Silver UoD's and a CO of the Quarter Award.
Departmental Distinction Award: Civilian Departmental Distinction Award: Civilian
Awarded Sat 19th Aug, 2017 @ 11:20am
Nominated by Colonel Horatio Drake
It gives me great pleasure to award the four of you this distinction award for your efforts in the civilian department. Simming on a Starbase is significantly harder than playing on a ship sim. To begin with, we are static and have to create our own world, in one place. We don't have the luxury of visiting a different world every week with a new set of predicaments. With this in mind, the standard of creativity must be a lot higher. The four of you have managed to create an incredible and thriving civilian population on Vanguard. It is something that we can all dip into and out of whenever we dry up for ideas and are incredibly lucky to be able to do so. Well done on achieving this level 2 award!
Doyle Mystery Award Doyle Mystery Award
Awarded Mon 4th Dec, 2017 @ 9:13pm
Lily and Tom have been working together on a mystery plot for the last two missions. It involves a mysterious object and possibly BORG nanites! The mystery is ongoing, so I'm suggesting a December nomination for this one. Both players are writing well, keeping up the suspense, and making me want to keep reading!
Longevity Ribbon Longevity Ribbon
Awarded Wed 3rd Jan, 2018 @ 4:01am
Lieutenant Maynard has served on Starbase Vanguard with an exemplary record for more than six months and has earned the Longevity Ribbon.