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Running a Starbase is Just a Chair of Bowlies!

Posted on Fri 27th Jul, 2018 @ 11:59am by
Edited on Sat 28th Jul, 2018 @ 3:01am

Hello, Most Excellent Crew!

Most of us have played together a long time, and we know each other to an extent. I thought I'd take a moment to talk about how missions on a starbase are different from missions on a ship, at least on this starbase, because I am not sure that some of you have been active on a base before.

On a ship, a mission is posted and everyone goes about working on that mission, it finishes in a few weeks or months, and then the ship flies off to a new location for a new adventure. Your settings are limited because a ship is limited. That's not the kind of mission we have on SB109.

Our starbase isn't going anywhere. It's just like living on a planet, in some respects. The setting stays the same for every mission. We are a city of roughly 200,000-250,000 galactic citizens. We have something like ghetto areas, and we have posh areas. We have galactic shopping opportunities at all times of the day and night, but we do tend to have a day times and night times set, even with a 3-shift rotation, as we do in any Earth city. We have civilians rubbing shoulders daily with the military. We have breakdowns of systems (though not that often, thanks to our fabulous Operations Department), entertainment opportunities (is it time to bring the circus back?), family picnics, pets and a pet rescue, and always, we have an enormous variety of species wandering the decks.

Because of that, we have chosen to post time-period missions. Our missions have something going on, such as the pirate activity at the moment, but they have life going on, as well, hence the baby shower arc. If some of you are struggling with thinking how you can initiate a post, think about what a day in the normal life or your character, in a normal city on Earth, might be like. Decide whether you are doing a post that feeds into a story arc, or a post that builds a view of your character's life.

Current story arcs and post setting opportunities include:

  • pirate activity, with a sub arc for the Addams family (you can stop any of us in the Promenade or Tivoli Gardens and ask about our family, or Purulence's artwork, or Ischemia's diplomacy experience, or the price of tea in China) This arc really got started because of Lily's kidnapping, so that was a great storyline she brought in.

  • Oblivion - it's the wild west combined with dark corners of the universe. Come to the arrival hall and look at the job boards. Maybe there's an opportunity waiting for you in one of the gambling dens, the free medical clinic, the fly-by-night shipyards, the daily farmer's market - the sky's the limit. Both legitimate and not so much legal activities can be found there. Create a character who lives or visits. Doesn't have to be an official NPC, just play something you think would be fun.

  • Civilian doctors are now in Tivoli Gardens! A doctor and a counselor. Feel free to hit us up for medical attention, or social chit-chat down by the River.

  • The grand opening of the Casino is about to take place! There will be many opportunities for writing within that arena. Come on over and see what the new place is like.

  • We have AIs running amok - but only in a couple of places. What kinds of robots do you use in your business or in your home? Is your pizza delivered by robot?

  • There are holodecks and holopods available to everyone - create your own program and invite others to play with you!

  • Disney Interstellar is headquartered in Tivoli Gardens - and that includes an amusement park - go check it out. Use your own experiences with such parks, or create something from your wildest dreams.

  • Shake up your department! Have an inspection, discover some kind of mayhem going on behind your back, MAKE mayhem go on behind someone else's back. What would a member of your department be doing on a daily basis?

You can come up with lots more ideas than I can. Tag anyone to play in your world for a few days! We have fabulous writing talent on SB109. I enjoy writing with every single one of you. If you have an idea for a story arc, write Jenny and tell her, just to plan where it fits in. The sky's the limit here - oh, wait there isn't a sky out in space. That means there are NO limits to the ideas that will fly within our G rating.

Susan/aka Jade Lantz


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