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July Awards

Posted on Sat 19th Aug, 2017 @ 11:24am by Colonel Horatio Drake


Another amazing month for us has seen yet more awards come our way.

From Theta Fleet:
Silver Unit of Distinction (joint award with USS Erebus & USS Winchester)

James filed our monthly report this time around and nominated Jenny for Writer of the Month - naturally she won!
Jenny plays Chlamydia Addams, our chief medical officer. She has developed a character who is quite mysterious and unique in her own ways. She has started developing the 'family' story with such uniqueness that it shows how great she is at writing. When there is anything medical related, the terminology she uses and the descriptions are so good, it immerses me into any post she writes.

And some In-House Awards...
Lieutenant Commander Paul Graves, Jade Lantz, Lieutenant Commander Chlamydia Addams & Lieutenant Thomas Maynard - Departmental Distinction Award: Civilian.
It gives me great pleasure to award the four of you this distinction award for your efforts in the civilian department. Simming on a Starbase is significantly harder than playing on a ship sim. To begin with, we are static and have to create our own world, in one place. We don't have the luxury of visiting a different world every week with a new set of predicaments. With this in mind, the standard of creativity must be a lot higher. The four of you have managed to create an incredible and thriving civilian population on Vanguard. It is something that we can all dip into and out of whenever we dry up for ideas and are incredibly lucky to be able to do so. Well done on achieving this level 2 award!

Lieutenant Jasmine Collins - Cupid Award
Need I say any more? Our first proposal happened only a couple of weeks ago! The romance was a storm in a teacup and I'm excited to see where it will go. I can only wonder at what the wedding will be like!

Well done to all! Service records will be updated accordingly!



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