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General Update: 9 December, 2023

Posted on Sat 9th Dec, 2023 @ 8:45pm by Criswell Sandbags

Hi Everyone! Your friendly-neighborhood Acting Captain here with the Monthly Report:


Austen has won Theta Fleet Player of the Month! His return after a serious injury and surgery has been an inspiration to us all and it is an award well-deserved.

I also nominated Ruth in my report for Writer of the Month. In a dark time for our sim, her writing has remained consistently great and she is a lot of fun to write with!

Post of the Month Nominee went to "Security: Are Any of Us Truly Secure?," a post by Mike and me about the first meeting between Captain Gordon Francis and the station's hardened Chief of Security, Lieutenant-Commander Dallas Briggs. It took months to perfect, and I really like the outcome. Thanks Mike!

Other news:

SB109 has had a difficult year. There have been departures, injuries, extended leaves, and drastic changes in command everywhere. I want to thank everyone who has stuck around, and you all have my promise that next year will be much better.

So let's start writing! We still have great characters on this sim, and several amazing new stories that are just beginning! The base is facing the difficulties of new leadership, a pirate infestation, an overhaul of Brown Sector, and a brewing temporal/dimensional crisis to name just a few. I want to start telling stories again. Let's end this year on a high note!

I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays! Chanukah has started and Christmas is just a few short weeks away, with the New Year shortly after! I hope everyone stays safe and has lots of fun with families and friends.

My best to you all!

CF (Captain Francis/Criswell Sandbags)
Acting Captain
Starbase 109, Theta Fleet


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