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February Sim Report

Posted on Fri 10th Mar, 2023 @ 5:37am by
Edited on Tue 14th Mar, 2023 @ 6:39am

Theta Fleet Sim Report for February 2023 Activity
Date of submission: March 9, 2023

Sim name: Starbase 109
URL for website:
Name of commanding officer: Captain Elena Navarra
Task Group: 51-A

Number of members at beginning of month (January): 12
Number of members at end of month (February): 13
Names of characters/players departed during month:
Names of characters/players added during month: 1-Lieutenant Mazzurc Teela - Assistant Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Title of current mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine

Description of current mission: Our new commanding officer has definite ideas about what Starfleet does and doesn't do or allow. Will this cause problems, or is her diplomatic charisma enough to make it work? The flu epidemic in Brown Sector is being contained, and Starfleet has a whole medical contingent helping the Romulan doctors dispense the vaccines Captain Navarra acquired from an admiral. A clandestine base is home for our disgraced Starfleet officers who are actually on an undercover intelligence mission - way undercover. Romances are coming to a head for several. Expect parties! In the meantime, Poker Night lives on in Orchids & Jazz and ... the Captain is playing!

Number of posts (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 23
Post per player (user) average (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 1.77

Noteworthy changes/events on your sim during the preceding month: A new player joined our crew.

Noteworthy Milestones this Month:

  • Halfway through the month, LCDR Andrew Eberstark hit the six year mark. He is played by Joseph.

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: N/A

Post of the Month nomination and reason: Meet and Greet. A perfect example of doctors getting together to discuss medical issues of several kinds. There's good give-and-take, and it sounds like actual medical conversations I've heard!

Player of the Month nomination and reason: This was difficult. Each of our players works hard for the sim. This month I chose CF. He has started several posts with a variety of players over the last couple of months. They are also in a variety of locations, and with several of his characters, including a mysterious cat. He's been an invaluable player in keeping our numbers of posts rising and interesting.

Writer of the Month nominations and reasons: Co-Writers: 1)Charlene/Kiara Lena. Charlene showed her many abilities and talents writing in two separate story lines as the same character, but in completely different situations. As a diplomat held hostage, her talents were shining as Lena helped complete Diplomats at Work, a plot of suspense and trickery. I linked part 3. At the same time, she wrote Dinner For One which turned into dinner with a new friend and an old one. This post showed her versatility as she played the part of a friend.

2) Mike/Krell House of Mer'uk. Mike plays several characters who are amazing, as well, and in this one, he's a Klingon ambassador as well as his PC, LCDR Dallas Briggs. He does a good job of showing their different characteristics as they work together to rescue the diplomatic officer Kiara Lena. Diplomats at Work, a plot of suspense and trickery and kidnapping/hostage situation. Seeing the two men work together in the 3-part story arc showed the versatility Mike has, and shows the two sim friends deserve writer of the month.

Submitted by Susan/Jade, of no particular position


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